Ch 8: The Bøsak Tempest (Rewritten)

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Tempest- Prone to violent mood swings and fits of passion.


Sam stood at the end of the hallway.

Sam: "Are you staying here..."


Sam: "It's 10 pm. You need to be in bed"

"I was never really good at the whole curfew thing"

Sam stood still and glared at me.

"I'm going to have to punch the grey out of your hair in order to move you aren't I?"

Just before either of us could do anything a red head ran to Sam from another hallway. She spoke into his ear and Sam nodded. He gave me one last look before following the woman.

I shrugged and continued to walk around. I have a feeling that I'm going to have to punch that old bastard sometime soon. After more walking around and eventually becoming absolutely bored out of my mind I found an indoor shooting range. I opened the fog glass door and turned on the lights. There were ten shooting stations. I must have startled someone because magazine dropped to the ground.

"Hey Ela"

Ela: "Oh it's you. I thought you were Zofia about to give me an ear full"

"Nope, just felt like exploring"

Ela: "To try to leave again?"

Ela grinned as she was picking up the dropped magazine.


Ela: "ooooo I'm going to tell Zo!"

My eyes widened and Ela laughed before putting on ear muffs and safety glasses.

Ela: "Don't worry I'm only joking around with you"

"What are you doing here anyways?"

Ela shot the whole magazine before turning to me.

Ela: "Just practicing. It's what I do when I can't sleep. Think you can beat me?"


Ela: "Then bring it on"

I went to a large gun rack hanging onto the back wall of the gun range and loaded an LVOA-C. After going back and forth with the lead Ela came out on top with only a few more bullets hitting her target.


Ela: "Just better than you"

"You really know how to piss someone off"

Ela: "It's my specialty"

"Sparring, right now"

Ela: "What? Do you remember what happened last time?"

"I do. I want revenge"

Ela: "Whatever you say little brother"

We walked down the hall and to the gymnasium. Before we walked in Ela spoke.

Ela: "It's really weird to say that"

"Calling someone your brother? It's still odd to call you and Zofia my sisters"

Ela: "So what did you do all of those years?"

We both put on our gloves.

"I was adopted by a French family. I grew up in Maine and went to school like any other kid. But when I turned eighteen I felt like there was something more for me in this world than just being another number at a desk job"

Ela: "I felt the same way, maybe not exactly like your situation. Zofia got all of the attention. Dad thought she could do no wrong. I expressed myself through art and wanted to do something different, breakout of the traditional 'go to the military' thing that runs in the family"

"It sounds like we have our own reasons to hate the same family"

Ela: "You hate us?"

"What? No I meant your pare- I mean our parents. They never wanted me. But both you and Zofia seem to like me"

Ela: "... Don't worry Jan, we'll take care of you"

Ela put her hand in my hair and messed it up. We both laughed.

"Okay, enough talking"

I went up to the sparring mat and stood on it, turning around to Ela.

"Do you want to get punched in the face or not?"

Ela jogged up to the mat and got into a fighting stance.

Ela: "Daj to" (Bring it on)

"Toi en premier" (You first)

Ela threw a punch which I wasn't ready for. She ended up getting me on the ear. I retaliated and hit her in the jaw. We kept going back and forth again until we were both panting with bruises all over our bodies. I had a small cut on my lip while Ela had a bruise on her right cheek.

Ela: "You've got a rocket for an arm I'll give you that"

"You're so annoying with the kicks"

Ela: "Ya know, no one has won yet"

I faked a shrug and quickly hit Ela in the eye. She crashed to the ground on her back like a flash of lighting.

"Merde!" (Fuck!)

Ela leaned up and shook her head like she didn't know what happened.

Ela: "To było szybkie" (That was quick)

I sighed in relief. I honestly thought I may have killed my sister. I looked down to her and extended out my hand.


I lifted Ela off the ground

"By the way, I won"

Ela: "Whatever you say baguette boy"

"I can still drop you on the ground"

She rolled her eyes.

Ela: "Just take me to my room"

"Whatever you say Pierogi girl"

Ela playfully hit me on the shoulder. I winced at the pain that her small fist had made. Once Ela and I somehow snuck passed a sleeping Zofia I went to Nøkk's room. I checked the time before I entered and saw it was one in the morning. I snuck inside and went into her bedroom where I saw Nøkk sitting up, waiting for me.


Nøkk tilted her head and at lighting speeds she threw me onto the bed. My body tensed up from the pain and Nøkk laid down beside me. She moved her body on top of mine and but her head Into my chest.

"I need to clean myself up"

Nøkk: "In the morning. Time to sleep"

She poked the tip of my nose and fell asleep on top of me. This woman kidnapped me, threw me into a van, interrogated me, kicked my ass again and is now sleeping on top of me like we're a couple. I need to know more about her. Get to know her. At least then this wouldn't feel as weird.

-To be continued-

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