Ch 17: Øut Øf the Shadøws

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Amber walked passed the rows of narrow low standing work tables. Every inch of each table had been left covered in mechanical drone pieces, schematic papers, pens and data tablets. The work ethic the Skell Tech employees had really showed their devotion to changing the world for the better. And they would change the world for the better. Just not the way many of them might expect.

Jace Skell and Amber's father were still meeting in Skell's office. Amber thought of the current situation as she waited for her father to finish his meeting. The young woman still felt off about Walker and the soldiers he commanded. They were 'Wolves' by name and uniform, but these men and women weren't selected by Amber and those she trusted. They were chosen by her father without her input.

Speaking of Walker, he stood alone facing out of a wall made of durable bulletproof glass. It was basically one massive window. The seasoned war veteran stared out to the large lake that sat just to the East of the expansive base. An entire jungle ecosystem surrounded the lake and tech facility.

Amber approached the older man and stood to his right.

Amber: "Settled in already?"

Walker let out a calm breath as he took a glance at Amber.

Walker: "Yeah. I've been here a little longer than you actually"

The clicking of heels came from behind Amber and swept next to Walker. A woman with wavy brown hair that ended at her shoulders stood next to the veteran soldier. She couldn't have been a year older than Amber. The woman wore a white trouser-suit with a black tie and dress shirt underneath. Her dark brown eyes met Walkers as they shook hands. Her voice was engulfed in a thick Russian accent.

???: "Walker, I am pleased to hear that you have arrived without any trouble"

Walker nodded as their hands parted.

Walker: "It's all been smooth. Seems we might see everything come together"

The woman gave a soft smile before moving her gaze to Amber, dressed in her Phantoms uniform and tactical gear.

???: "And who are you?"

Walker took a glance back and lifted an arm in a presenting gesture.

Walker: "Yelena, this is Ms. Amberlynn Stone. The daughter of our head security contractor"

The Russian looked a little surprised for a moment, but let it pass as she held out a hand. Amber took the woman's hand hand shook it. Like Walker, the woman known as Yelena gave a soft smile before pulling her hand away.

Yelena: "It was a pleasure to see you both. But I must go now. There are many others that need my support"

The young woman walked away, being followed by two men dressed in all black tactical gear and clothing, holding experimental looking weaponry.

Amber: "That woman, Yelena, who is she exactly?"

Walker grinned.

Walker: "Yelena is the daughter of a very powerful and wealthy Russian family. She inherited a piece of her fathers wealth after he died. She saw eye to eye with us after hearing of our cause and decided to give us a little support. She handles nearly all of our money"

Amber kept an eye on the woman before she heard her name called out.

Stone: "Amber! Meet the boys outside and get them to their barracks! We have a plan we need to get working on!"

The young woman nodded and began to leave Walker. She had no clue about this 'Yelena'. Let alone the plans her father has been making behind her back. As she was leaving Amber caught something out of the corner of her eye. Amber took a quick glance and noticed a pair of men dressed in lab coats and holding tablets walking into a dark room at the far end of the lab. Before the sliding doors could close behind them she saw a glimpse of what was held in the darkened room.

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