Chapter 21

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Mina POV

I ran to her and took the gun and threw it. I was on top of her.

"I love you too", I said.

"I love you so much", I said hugging her.

It stayed quiet for a while.

"What happened why was your car on fire", I asked.

"I think the guy that I crashed into. He um drove me off the road. I think he pour oil or something and must of set fire".

"And why did this guy decide to do this?", I asked.

"I was very drunk at the time so I must of said something stupid but I do remember being hit by him. Ah I remember what I said. I said his wife would leave him and she never loved him".

"So you're telling me this guy tried killing you because you said that".

So it was murder. He wanted her dead

"I mean I crashed his car too", she said.

"You could of fucking died! And why are you drink driving".

"I just wanted to be a far away from you. So I don't cause you any more pain. But obviously, I was hurt so I drank", she said.

"I have a question".


"If that girl was one off your sex things. Why is she back?", I asked.

"That I have no clue. She just walked in and pushed me and yeah you saw what happened next".

"And what happened after I left?".

"She said oh poor baby really did like the girl ops. Then I hit her and ran after you", she said.

"Also how long are you going to stay on top of me. I  don't have weapons. And I won't shoot myself".

"Promise", I said.

"Would you miss me if I died".

"Yaa Tzuyu".

"I promise", she said.

"I don't believe you now".

"It's not like my body can move fast. I'm injured like hell", she said pouting.

"Then we get up and go to your cottage", I said.

Cottage Her Bedroom

"You know your husband is actually kind", I said.

"Since when did you speak to him and he's not my husband were divorcing", she said.

"Well after Wonyoung came home and told me to turn the TV I heard you were dead. So I went to Sana's an--".

"Ah shit. She's going to hurt me right", she said cutting me off.

"Ani I won't let that happened", I said.

"But she told me she was at your car with Jihyo. And Jihyo hasn't stopped crying".

"Why were they at my car?", she asked.

"Your hus-- I mean Jungkook called her", I said.

"Anyway after that I left and yeah he appeared out of nowhere and pulled me to the house and made me watch something. He also told me you don't listen to anyone. I didn't know I was your weakness", I said.

"You were just cute. Who would resist it", she said.

I smiled and made her look at me.

"Can we restart?", I asked.

"What if I wanted to ask you out in more of a better way", she said.

"Just say yes or no", I said.

"Of course", she said.

I smiled and kissed her. I missed her lips so much. I ended up onto of her.

"Wanna know a fact", she said.

"If you were meant to be my sex toy. Why did I let you take complete control over me?", she asked.

"And I let you whined and convince me to do stupid things?".

"Let you tell me what to do or not?".

I'm just realizing everything. I let her continue.

"That one time I hit you. I regretted it instantly. I want to hurt myself so bad. But then I decide I would go to you. And beg for you to forgive me even if took weeks".

"I got mad when I heard your ex's abused you and raped you".

"I got jealous when you wanted to be with that Chaeyoung girl and not be with me".

"I was annoyed when Jungkook threw you on the sofa. Maybe since then I think I began to fall for you".

Tears rolled down my face.

"Hey why are you crying?", she asked.

"Cause you never treated me like a sex toy. You never forced me into doing sex with you. You loved me. And I called you a disgusting human. A monster".

She sat up and hugged me.

"I was a disgusting Human. I was a monster. But you've changed me. And I love you", she said.

Tzuyu POV

She fell asleep. Mina, I'm so glad you found me. I'm so happy you forgave me. And I'm extremely lucky to have another chance with you. I carefully laid myself down with her and pulled the quilt over us.

"I love you", I whispered and pecked her forehead.

This is a bop

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