Chapter 2 - Tears

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Scott's POV

"Mitchie what happened." It broke my heart to see the person I love crying like this. Even though he was crying he was still looked like a beautiful angel. "Tr - Tr Travis." My blood boiled and I was filled with anger. But no matter how mad I was I didn't want to take it out on Mitch. I calmed myself down then began to speak. "Mitchie, please tell me what happened I want to help you no matter what. I will always be here." His glassy, teary eyes looked up at me and pulled me into a hug and broke out into sobs. I pulled him into me tighter as we were sitting on the couch. We rocked back and forth slightly. "Shhh Mitchie it's okay"

He composed himself a little and started. "We were gonna meet up at the restaurant for a date but I wanted to surprise him so I went to his apartment early. When I got there I heard noises so I didn't knock and just went inside because it was unlocked." He started crying again louder than before. I felt bad but I didn't want him to be uncomfortable and push the boundaries. He toke a deep breath and continued. "So I went to his room and opened the door and saw him pounding into a random guy and when I burst into tears he smiled at me. I ran out of the door he called after me but I didn't stop and then I came here." He grabbed me tighter. "Did he even love me. I'm just a worthless piece of sh*t that nobody could ever love"

I couldn't believe that the most beautiful person on earth just said that to me. I wiped away his tears and looked him straight in the eyes. "Your priceless not worthless. You are beautiful and he never deserved someone as amazing as you." He wiped the remaining tears that fell and stood up. All I wanted was to kiss him and tell him I loved him but it wasn't the right time and I want it to be special when I do it. "I'm gonna take a shower than go to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Scott." I got up and wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back. "Goodnight Mitchie, remember you're beautiful" I went to lay down and heard the shower start running but I couldn't sleep knowing he was hurting and I had to just watch. 15 minutes later and I heard a knock at my door I sat up quickly. I saw Mitch standing in the doorway. "Hey I know this is weird to ask but can I sleep in here tonight I just need someone to be there. I underst-" I cut him off already knowing where he was going. "Of course come on in."

He slowly made his way over to the bed and layed down. He was facing away from me and I wrapped my arm around his waist, in that second he turned over and cuddled into my chest. "Thanks Scott." I smiled. "I'll always be here Mitchie" He looked up at me. "You promise?"

"I promise."

The Classic Scömìche Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz