Chapter 39- Ash

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Trigger warning: some violence, nothing gory or anything, just some tension & some implied.

I arrived as quickly as I could to the gang's house, knowing full well that my family was close behind, though hiding. Wanting to seem helpless, I rang the doorbell, & a short guy came to answer it.

His eyes widened slightly at my height, but he let me enter, his companion coming up along his side.

"Bind your wrists," The short guy ordered gruffly, his large friend nodding in agreement. I followed their orders, my head bent as they led me down to a basement, stopping outside the door. "You came alone, yes?" I nodded, & the men let me enter, & what I saw beyond both infuriated & frightened me.

A tall guy with a large scar across his face was beating up Linh, who was already unconscious.

"Stop!" I cried, though I could do nothing, with the man's henchmen standing besides me.

He chuckled & stopped, turning to face me, & ignoring my friend for the moment. "So... You must be the wolf I hear so much about from Marco." He grinned pointedly, but I looked on in confusion.

"I don't know-"

He cackled again. "-Of course! He didn't tell you his real name, did he? How pathetic. The one guy you happen to get close to..." He grins maliciously. "Well, besides Chopsticks over here... Haha! It's no surprise that he wouldn't even tell you his real name. 'Adair', was it?" I paled & he smiled.

"I thought- he was in jail..."

The man gritted his teeth. "Oh, he is. Thanks to you. Caused a lot of trouble now, haven't you? It's ok. It'll all be over soon..." & with that, he pulled out his gun.

So, obviously, as you can tell, Ev is a total asshole in every way. He's a racist/sexist/homophobe/etc. All the bad things. An absolute douche. The rest of his gang are mostly there bc they're afraid of Ev & he grew up w them. But Ev himself... Total asshole. But anyways... Back to the chapter, lol :D

It was at that moment that my family sprung into action. Charging from behind, a few of them knocked out the 2 men standing around me, my own father knocking the gun out of the scarred man's hand & tackling him to the ground.

As the fighting was going on, I focused on getting Linh. His ropes were bound tight, but I managed to tear them loose with my claws. Setting him free at last, I cradled him close to my chest & bolted from there, hoping against all hope that the rest of my family would be ok.

Sorry to end it like this, but ya know... Gotta have suspense... & I have another POV change coming up, so... Yeah. Anyways, you haven't seen another 1 of Ev's gang members, Erwin. He's referred to as Carel's "large friend". So, yeah... Here he is...

 Here he is

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