Chapter 23- Ash

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Soon after that, Linh went to bed, still completely clueless, but knowing that explaining would take too much time out of his much needed beauty rest. & today had been complicated enough.

That night I contacted my Uncle Elm, knowing he could help me out, if anyone could.

Ash: Hey... Can I talk 2 u?

Elm: Yeah? I thought ur dad said u weren't talking anymore...

Ash: Yeah, but this is important...

Elm: K, shoot

I began telling him about the entire situation with Adair, starting with the beginning, obviously, & working from there. & yeah, I admit, that must've been a lot for Elm to take in at once. But surprisingly, he was pretty cool about it all. He was cool about most things, he was a pretty laid back dude. Except when it came to protecting those he loved.

With that he was very serious & overprotective, though not in an overbearing sense. Just an if-you-hurt-my-family-I'm-coming-for-you type of way, not a you-can't-leave-the-house-by-yourself-because-you-might-get-kidnapped mentality. [My parents are more the 2nd mentality, lol]

So, obviously, he was pretty upset when he found out that Adair was coming for me, even if he was in prison now.

Elm: Do u want me 2... get rid of the guy? Bc I know people...

Ash: No, no, it's *fine*... Just- can u keep an eye on the house? I don't want any 1 hurting the family living here...

Elm: U really care about this guy, huh?

Ash: What?! No! Not like u mean! His aunts r really nice...

Elm: Sure... ,':)

Ash: >:/

Elm agreed to watch over the house, & the Phams, on the condition that I resolve things with my dad, as Elm didn't like getting involved in conflict, & me contacting Elm at all might piss off my dad. So... I agreed because... what else was I supposed to do to protect the Phams? Elm would have some of my cousins look over the house & shadow the Phams starting tonight, & going on until... well, we didn't know yet... But Elm said they'd watch discretely, so as to not raise suspicion or be creepy, but enough to make sure the Phams were safe from Adair &... really, anyone else. Which certainly relieved some of my stress...

But then I thought about how I'd have to see my dad again soon &... ugh! Here I go again...

Hope you guys thought this chapter was ok. Well, byeeeeeeeeee :]

Oh, btw, here's what Elm looks like, if you were wondering. He's Lake's (Ash's dad's) younger brother.

 He's Lake's (Ash's dad's) younger brother

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But anyways... See you guys later, lol :D

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