Chapter 5- Ash

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Another update...
We were interrupted yet again by my phone ringing. I was closer, so I figured I should get it, even if that did mean I had to get up.
"Let me take this." I got up & answered. "Hello?"
"Where are you, son?" My dad answered on the other end, his voice stressed, & by the sound of it, a bit pissed.
"Um... Coming now."
"What?! What do you mean 'coming now'? Where the hell were you?! Do you know how much me & the pack worried about you?! You go off on your own, don't return to the rendezvous at dark & never show up the next morning. What the hell was going through your mind?!"
"Fuck. I'll be right there."
"You better..." He paused & his voice suddenly softened. "Oh, & you aren't hurt, are you?"
"No," I said, & my dad sighed on the other end. "Just stupid, I guess."
He chuckled light heartedly. "Didn't need to tell me that. See you soon?"
"Be there soon." I smiled. "Oh, & Dad?"
He paused. "Yeah?"
"There's someone I'd like you to meet." I locked eyes w Adair & he smiled a bit, though a little hesitant.
My dad paused again, then he responded, a bit of a smile in his voice. "Ok. See you soon. Love you."
"Love you too, Dad." I ended the call, & I couldn't help but smile. My life was certainly turning around, despite the Dad-being-momentarily-pissed part.
Hope this chapter was ok. Sorry for being such a bad writer 😬

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