Chapter 17- Linh

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When I woke up this morning, I certainly hadn't expected there would be a break-in today. Or a werewolf, for that matter.

Only now that the intruder had been sent away with the police did I now have time to process that. On the couch of all places.

"So..." I began, voice wavering slightly as I looked at the man at the other end of the couch. "You... were my dog. For 2 months. And you couldn't tell me?!"

He frowned, genuinely looking apologetic & sighed, scratching his head a little, exposing his biceps. I quickly looked back at his face. "Yeah... I'm really sorry about that, I am. I would have told you if I could, I swear, but... I can't talk in my wolf form & I can't transform when I'm injured, so-"

I crossed my arms, glaring slightly. "But you transformed just now!"

He made an awkward face. "Well, you see, um, I've only been well enough to transform for, like, a week or so...?"

I glared again. "So when were you planning on telling us, huh?"

"I don't know... I was initially planning on just running away back to my pack as soon as I got better..."He mumbled & looked away.

"Wow. Rude."

He looked at me again, his goldish eyes softening. "Sorry. I didn't want to put you guys in danger." He looked away again. "Not after all you've done for me..."

I smiled a little, touching my heart. "Awww."

He smiled a toothy grin & I smiled back & we stayed like that for a bit.

"So..." I trailed off. "Who was that guy..."

He winced & I could tell I touched on a sour subject. I scooted closer on the couch to him & placed my hand on his arm. "It's ok, really. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

He looked up at me, smiling sadly. "No, no. I probably should. He was kinda... my ex." He winced, waiting for my reaction.

"Oh." I scooted a little further away on the couch. "Uh... that's unfortunate?"

He cleared his throat & looked away. "Yeah... We... met at the club &... eventually he shot me. I-" His voice broke & I scooted a little closer again, my eyebrows furrowing in concern. "-Don't even know why really. Guess I wasn't a very good boyfriend or something, hahaha..." He laughed nervously, looking away again.

I put my hand on his arm. "How could you think it was your fault? Nothing is justification to be shot!"

He scratched his head uncomfortably. "I guess..."

My brows furrowed again. I felt really bad for him. Even though I didn't really know him that well. I knew what it was like not to have confidence in yourself & to blame yourself for everything, even the most illogical things. I didn't really know what to say though. I wasn't the best with words or comforting people. So, I just hugged him.

I wrapped my arms around him from the side, my arms mainly around his right shoulder, my hands on his left. He tensed at first, looking up at me, eyes a little wide & surprised, before relaxing a little & smiling slightly.

I quickly let go, my face heating a little. "Sorry about that." I looked away. "I didn't- I'm not very good at comforting people..."

He smiled up at me, his eyes shining a little. "Yeah, no. That's ok. I don't mind."

I beamed & he looked away after a second. We were quiet before I asked something else. "So... Do you have a family? You mentioned a pack, earlier..."

He paused. "Yeah." He glanced at me. "Mom & dad, 2 sisters & a brother."

"Oh." I scooted a little closer. "That's cool. Why aren't you with them?"

He winced again & I cringed, regretting bringing it up. "They- well. I was a part of their pack. Born & raised. But. My dad kicked me out after he found out I was gay. & I haven't seen them since."

I gasped slightly. "Wow. That's- wow. I'm really sorry. That's- really unfortunate. I've been staying at my aunts' place for the summer & will in college because I don't know when I want to come out to my parents."

"Oh, wow." He looked at me. "That's- well, not cool. But interesting, that we share similar experiences, I mean..."

"Yeah." I smiled slightly & he did too. "Hey..."

"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.

"If your pack still doesn't want you back you could probably still crash here. I mean, you'd probably still have to explain everything to Châu & Joy, but other than that I think it'd be ok. You'd have to ask their permission as well, but they're very cool about everything, so I think that should be ok. They've been very cool about me staying here & have accepted me, obviously, considering they're married, so I think it'd be ok for you too, if that's ok..." I blush slightly at my rambling.

He smiles, flashing teeth. "Ok. That's fine with me." He frowned. "If you aren't creeped out by me staying here, that is, & don't want me to leave immediately." He looked away.

I laughed awkwardly. "No, no, no, it's fine... You were injured, you couldn't talk, we're good... Though I definitely will be thinking about how you saw me in sweats with my hair messed up several times..." I look away & laugh nervously again.

He smiles a little, looking at me before looking away. "No, that's ok. I don't mind, I'm not wearing suits every day or anything." He gestured at his hoodie & jeans he's wearing, which he had transformed into when he shifted, which didn't make any sense, but what do I know? "& besides," He smiled & looked away, blushing slightly. "I... think you always look cute, so it doesn't matter."

I felt my face redden & I looked away, stumbling on words. "Um... Thanks."

He looked at me then. "Is that weird? Should I leave now? Am I creeping you out? Because I can go if you want me to..." He frowned & looked down.

"Nonono, that's fiiiiine... I'm just... not used to compliments, that's all. I'm a very shy person. Don't worry about it." I laughed nervously, scratching my head, already feeling my face heat.

"Oh, ok, good. Because I don't know if I could keep from telling you the truth all the time." He winked & left for his room, the guest room, leaving me melting.

Hope you guys liked this chapter :3. I think you can already tell who's going to end up w who... There's not really much surprise there... Though it does end up being a surprise for them... Bc they're completely clueless when it comes to telling if people are flirting/like them, which... is honestly a mood :D. Anyway, see ya guys later. Bye! :3

PS- I'm thinking of calling this ship "Ashlinh", pronounced "Ashlin" or "Ashlyn", lol. What do you guys think? :D

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