Chapter 24- Linh

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Droppin' another chapter, lol. Trigger warning: Linh has self-esteem/image issues.

The next day, when I awoke, we all followed our daily routine, as usual, but it somehow... felt different... It might have been Ash being here- in his human form, I mean... It might've been how I still couldn't figure out what Ash was talking about toward the end of last night there... I don't know...

After the Aunties had left, I decided to get to the bottom of things, as I didn't think I could hold on in suspense any longer, especially when Ash seemed to know something I didn't.

"Ok, what's the deal? What am I missing?" I asked rather abruptly, & though I hadn't meant to say it forcefully, Ash flinched slightly. I softened. "Sorry... Are you ok?"

He looked off into the distance, then back up at me. "Yeah... just nerves, I guess."

I sat down on the couch, & he joined me. "Would you mind... sharing? If that's ok..."

He nodded slowly, looking away, then back up at me. "Um- yeah... would you... like to meet... my parents?"

My eyes widened & I paled slightly. "W-what?"

His face reddened. "My- um- whole family, I mean. I kinda have to... make up with my dad... in order to... make sure you guys are protected... If I do, then... my cousins'll watch over you..."

I raise an eyebrow. "Wow, wow, wow... 'Watch over' us? That sounds a little creepy..."

He sighs & scratches his neck, seeming a bit flustered. "Well, they'd just be there to protect you guys... From Adair... In case he, or anyone really, tries anything... because of me..."

I raise my eyebrows. "Wow- don't feel like you have to do that. I know you're keeping us safe, but your dad... From what I'm told, is an asshole. I don't think you should go through all of that just for us."

He looks up at me honestly. "But I care about you guys." I feel my face heat. "& my dad- really isn't that bad. He- cares about me- a lot. It's just- hard for him to show it, sometimes... & if I can assure him that I'm truly happy... maybe he can help us." He smiles hopefully, his eyes shining, & I find myself transfixed by them.

We stay like that for a while, stuck in the moment, neither of us moving, til the moment breaks & Ash draws back, clearing his throat.

"So... when you want to meet him? My dad? & the rest of my family?"

I think for a second. "Well- what's the rest of your family like?"

He smiles thoughtfully & stares into the distance as he thinks, & I catch myself staring at him. "Well- simply- amazing. My mother- she's what you might call a spit-fire. She'll always have your side & defend you fiercely. My siblings- well, there's a lot of them, at least by human standards, I think. Are you... an only child?"

I nod. "Yeah..."

He smiles. "That's ok. Just- bare with me while I gush about them, ok? But don't tell that to their faces!" We both laugh & he continues. "I'm the oldest of the litter. & the next closest in age is Juny... Juniper. She's very independent & loyal. Like my mom, but more laid back. Then there's Sky, she's more shy... but she's very protective of the ones she loves. She's a doormat when it comes to herself, but when it's someone else... She'll trample anyone in the way..." He chuckles, his eyes crinkling. "Then last, Huckleberry... Huc. He's kinda our jokester. He can always find the funny in things. He's the baby of the family."

"Awww." I cup my face in my hands, leaning forward. Ash's face reddens a little. "Your family sounds great! I wish mine was just as charming! I mean, don't get me wrong, the Aunties are great... but I don't have any cool siblings &... My parents... are very strict. & boring."

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