Chapter 12- Ash

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Trigger warning again, guys. Ash has anxiety, remember? Sorry... :/

I whimpered when the guy left, which didn't even make any sense. I didn't know him. But I felt strangely calm around him, & I really needed that right now.

Left to my own devices, I was trapped in my thoughts again, which were, of course, not the most pleasant. Nothing like recounting exactly how you got shot & feeling like it was somehow your fault (which is fucked up, I know, but I couldn't help it).

& what if Adair came back? What if he went after my family? Or came for me here? Or this nice guy & his aunt? It would all be my fault...

With that, I restlessly fell to sleep, hoping against hope that nothing would happen & no one would get hurt because of me. But not being able to do anything about it.

Hope this chapter was ok... I know I'm not the best at writing, but I hope you like my characters at least :D... Which is your favorite? I honestly can't decide between Ash & Linh bc they're both so soft & precious :3. Anyways, see you guys later :D

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