Chapter 30- "Adair"

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I pass my days in a gray cell with 1 barred window, near the ceiling. I hear echoing footsteps approaching. Finally.

"Acciai. You get 1 phone call. Make it count." The warden glares in my direction, passing me the landline through the bars. He watches me as I dial the number.

"Yeah. I've been compromised." I glance at the warden, & he glares back at me, 1 eyebrow raised. "&...He's still alive." I end the call there, not wanting to give away too much. The boss will handle the rest. I'm sure of it. That wolf'll live to regret ever crossing me.

Ooo, the foreshadowing. The tension. What'll happen next? :D

Anyways, sorry this chapter's so short, but I got another POV change coming up, so... Yeah... See ya :]

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