Chapter 16- Ash

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It took several months for me to heal from my wounds. It had been my upper right leg & left arm that had bullets in them, so it wasn't fatal, but it sure was an inconvenience.

I had been left to bleed out when Linh had found me, & now I was walking again.

It did take some time to be able to get back on my feet, or paws, I guess. & I couldn't help... feeling grateful to him. & his aunts, of course. They were so sweet & I was so glad to have them as well.

&, while I did like the idea that I was getting better, I would see my pack again soon, for sure, but... I kind of didn't want to leave Linh's family behind either.

They had kinda welcomed me as one of their own now (after they had discovered that I did not, in fact, have an owner, surprise, surprise). & I... If I just left them... It would hurt. Them & me.

So I kept convincing myself that I was still injured. I mean, I was, still. But not enough that I couldn't leave whenever I wanted.

But still... I found myself lingering. Wanting to stay... For whatever reason. Maybe because I wanted to be a part of something new. A new family that loved & accepted me.

Not that my pack hadn't done that. They loved me... In their own way. It's just this... felt different. More wholesome, somehow...

In my OG draft, I just ended the chapter here... But it might be too short then, & it continues in Ash's POV, so I might as well continue this chapter, I guess... :]

This was all fine. Maybe a little selfish & indulgent, but not really hurting anyone. Not until Adair found us.

The day started as any other had that summer. Aunt Châu got up early & made us breakfast, which we'd warm up when the rest of us got up. She left at 6, we got up at 7:30, & Auntie Joy left for her work at 8. Leaving me & Linh home together until Joy would come home in the afternoon, & Châu later that evening. Meaning Linh & I would be together alone for most of the day. Which is how Adair found us. Alone.

We were watching a baking competition on TV in the living room when we heard a loud bang coming from outside the front door. I heard it instantly, & Linh too, but he didn't know what to do, & if I'm really being honest, neither did I.

I had grown accustomed to this plushy, care-free life & forgot that there was a greater threat coming for me. Adair.

After I heard the gunshot, I grabbed Linh by the edge of his hoodie sleeve with my teeth, & pulled him toward the closet, he resisted.

"We have to go see what it is," He whispered, eyes wide. I pushed him again. I didn't want him to get into danger because of me. I knew it was Adair, who else could be shooting at my house? I didn't want Linh to get involved & get hurt. I tried to push him again, but he wouldn't budge.

The door abruptly burst open, Adair, clad in black attire & ski mask, with it. I rushed forward, putting my body between Linh & the intruder.

He glared at me, bringing his shotgun up to my face & I glared back. "I got you right where I want you," He almost growled. "Thought you could run away from me, eh? I've been tracking you. Do you know how long that took? No way am I letting you go now!" Linh pulled out his phone. "& don't even think about calling 9-1-1, bucko, or I will shoot you, right here, right now. Just let me take him & go."

Linh looked between him & me, eyes wide, before clenching his fists, arms shaking, & glaring at Adair. "No."

There was silence, & then Adair raised the shotgun to Linh's head instead. "Ok. I can work with that."

But before he could make one more move, I went into action, while Adair's eyes were on Linh.

I transformed into my human form again, using my enhanced speed to throw myself on top of Adair, pinning him to the floor, his shotgun going flying across the room.

Linh & Adair both looked on in surprise, their eyes wide.

"Take the gun away & call the police!" I yelled at Linh, my voice scratchy from being so unused.

He nodded, still a little in shock, before calling.

Adair glared up at me. "You won't get away with this."

I smiled, showing teeth. "I already have."

Sorry to break the wholesomeness of Ash's healing process w conflict, but ya know, conflict is what moves the plot along, so... Sorry :/

Hope this chapter was ok though :]

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