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Thank you for clicking on this story! tbh this is kinda corny at first but I PROMISE it will get better lol. Hope you enjoy!


How did I get here? This small girl felt like she didn't deserve everything that has happened to her. She was just a normal girl after all. All she knew was that she was sitting on her bed, with shouts outside her bedroom, until her father dragged her out while her mother shoved all of her clothes in a ragged suitcase.

You see, Amelia Hernate was a mistake. Her mom conceived her at only 16 years old, she forced her father, a 17 year old Hernate boy to raise this baby instead of having an abortion. With all the storm they experienced in 2004, they still dreamed about having a perfect family and a beautiful daughter later on in the future. It never happened. Amelia Hernate will never be wanted, since the beginning, and she knew that. You'd think that after 12 years of being unwanted and a burden, she'd be independent, mature, and cold, ya know, like all the cliché angsty romance books. But she was always a manic, sensitive, and impulsive type of girl. That's all she ever was and that's all she'll ever be. At least by her parents. In Erle Lana and Colt Hernate's eyes, Amelia will be nothing but a sensitive, little burden. So Colt and Erle did what they thought was right, they threw her out, hoping that someway, somehow, things will be fine. The way it was when they were 16 and 17.

Amelia didn't know what to do. She thought her parents would either divorce and one of them would take her in and raise her like they should've been since she was born, or either they would make up and grow up, like one of her friend's parents did. She would never expect to be, sitting on a road, just a few miles from home, clutching her suitcase in the middle of the night, being homeless. She cried and cried, she was desperate for a home that she never had, a shelter that she deserved from long ago. She slowly got out one of her novels and tried her best to distract herself. Maybe she could eventually fall asleep, with her head leaning on a pole, and she could figure this all out tomorrow, at daylight. She managed to grab a few of her books, before she was dragged out of her house. She read one of her Harry Potter books, her favorite, Prisoner of Azkaban. She can't seem to focus on the words, her brain kept replaying the moment that happened about an hour ago, where she was pleading for them to stop, to let her in, to be a real parent. Amelia kept trying to read, but she just can't.

Suddenly, she heard a rustling.

She put her book down and tried to locate the noise. Is a knight bus coming to pick me up or something? Oh, how she'd scream in joy if the knight bus appeared in front of her and took her away to a world where magic does exist, where happiness is actually achievable. But instead of a big blue bus in front of her, she just saw a woman, who seemed to be in her late 30s, coming out of the woods, approaching her. Amelia looked this woman up and down, she just looked so put together and perfect, why is she coming towards her? Could she be a kidnapper?

Amelia became scared when she thought about the big possibility of this lady being a kidnapper. She is a prey. She's 12, alone in the streets, in the middle of the night. How perfect. But this woman just held a warm aura, she smiled at Amelia very warmly. Amelia wanted to stand up and just leave her seat on the side of the road. But she just wanted to stay, she wanted to know about this mysterious woman that seemed to be stalking her. The lady was already right in front of Amelia. Amelia froze. "You know a thing or two about J.K Rowling's piece of art, don't you?". Amelia's head shot up.

"You mean, Harry Potter?" Amelia had no idea why this lady was talking about this topic. Maybe this woman is trying to use Amelia's interests and trick her into being kidnapped?? That is a very big possibility. The woman nod at Amelia and laughed, "Oh, I'm sorry for being so straightforward! Okay, okay." Amelia raised her eyebrows. "My name is Cassandra Penny, and I know that you are perfect for The Barrier's next task! Gosh, I'm excited about this one!!" Amelia didn't know what she's saying. The Barrier? What barrier? "Mam, what are you talking about?" This Cassandra Penny looked at her with her gentle eyes and told her to stand up. "Look, I know you are homeless and that you love Harry Potter. I work at one of the most secret and private companies of the world, so what I'm about to tell you will be huge, and you better not spill this to anyone girl, because there will be consequences."

The Barrier - Tom Marvolo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now