jiyoo - apocalypse

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i recommend you to play the song apocalypse by cigarettes after sex while reading, while imagining the world is ending lmao

there's also another song that would be mention in the end so yeah...

aaand lastly,
there's a bit of gahmi here


"hey watch that guy over there, he's not gonna die, right?" asked yoohyeon, pointing a zombie who's attempting to jump from the roof.

"he's already dead. i think he just wanna die the second time by himself, don't you think so?" responded jiu, positioning herself more comfortably at the chair in front of a see-through window to have a better, clearer vision.

"well... this is the moment i've been waiting for" yoohyeon smirked, amazed by the idea of the world ending... in front of her eyes.

"that's so creepy of you, babe" jiu picked her cigarettes up and puffed on it.

"don't lie so damn hard, that's the exact reason why you love me"

"at this point, you're literally the whole definition of 'ew'" jiu looked at her lovingly.

"excuse me? who the fuck even went to my house and gave me bunch of roses with poems?" yoohyeon raised her eyebrows and sipped at her coffee.

"i know you love it" jiu winked,

the two went their gazes back outside, some roofs were burning, they were cracks at lands, smoke above the sky, bloods, and dead bodies running around.

"how do you think is siyeon and sua? are they still alive? i can't even contact them" asked yoohyeon again, jiu looked at her with blank face. "what?"

"maybe they were, sua won't let those dead bodies touch her lovely siyeon"

"yeah yeah plus can these dead bodies even see? we've been here for like hours now since the apocalypse happened. i'm just excited to get bitten sorry" yoohyeon chuckled and even waved at the bodies outside, and as she did it, she saw a familiar person.

"hey hey!" jiu looked at her when she felt her shoulders being tapped. "look! look!" yoohyeon pointed something, jiu immediately looked outside.

"isn't that your bastard ex? he's a zombie! o my shit–" then yoohyeon cracked up but unlike her, jiu's laughter was louder.

"he deserve that!" the couple high-fived and continued laughing.

when the laughter died down, yoohyeon shook her head while jiu's still puffing on her cigarette. "i can't believe they can't see us"

"maybe they're blind? their eyes are white so yeah maybe" answered jiu.

yoohyeon just shrugged. she pulled out her phone and even took a photo and videos of those dead bodies while saying shits and upload it. "the next generation must know how the earth ended"

"don't you think the 'next generation' would even know anything about technology? everything will be restarted so let's just hope so" again, answered jiu.


"babe i have an idea, c'mon get up!" jiu just threw her cigarette somewhere near the window, took yoohyeon's hands and helped both of them stood up.

"oooh~ is this going to be romantic? i'm all in, babe" yoohyeon smirked, wrapping her fingers at jiu's nape and pulling her for a kiss.

jiu didn't and wouldn't hesitate to reciprocate the kiss without grabbing yoohyeon closer to her. the two move their lips as their bodies dances together.

slowly pulling back their connected lips, a chuckle left jiu's mouth, yoohyeon smiled.

as the taller was just about to aim for another kiss, jiu just– "oh fuck!" jiu yelled and immediately grabbed the gun behind her and shoot the dead body, trying to touch yoohyeon.

"you have no rights to touch this girl, bitch. you're also trespassing" jiu stuck her tongue out and scoffed at the really dead body.

"lmao jiu, thanks for saving me. but look at her, she looks like a sweet girl, the world was just so cruel" yoohyeon said, looking at the body– laying in front of them. [ she's gahyeon :) ]

"i apologize"

"she's also beautiful, oh– oh shit look at her pocket!" yoohyeon exclaimed after seeing a photo peeking at her pocket.

jiu carefully took the whole photo out, their hearts broke into pieces after seeing the girl with another girl which they assumed to be her girlfriend, they we're hugging while the other girl [ dami ] was kissing gahyeon's cheeks.

"fuck..." that could only be the thing to left their mouths after flipping the photo.

a short simple letter was written.
"hey baby~ happy fifth anniversaryyyy! yeeeey! i have a surprise for youuu~"

"hey babe take a look again, could you please pull that out?" asked yoohyeon when she noticed a thing inside the girl's another pocket.

jiu was also eager to know what is it so she did but before she could she whispered, "sorry for shooting you, you're so sweet"

jiu gasped after she found out.

yoohyeon glanced at the thing and almost teared up. "she's gonna propose? fuck... i couldn't imagine the pain" said yoohyeon when she saw the small box with a ring inside of it.

jiu put the box and the picture back at gahyeon's pocket and can't help but to hug yoohyeon.

the two stayed silent for awhile– then they felt the ground suddenly shook that the house in front of their house collapsed.

"you ready babe?"

"the speaker? is it fine?" jiu nodded, connecting her phone to the said device via bluetooth before going out. "make sure to play the end of the world, i can't die without hearing that" yoohyeon laughed.

"yes babe i know" jiu confidently smiled, grabbing the handcuff at the window and handcuffs herself with yoohyeon. "now we're tied up"

"we better be" yooheyon winked.

both of them made their way outside, not even scared by the fact they were surrounded by dead but still walking bodies.

"hey you fuckers!" jiu yelled, catching the zombie's attention. not of all them, just thirteen.

a lady zombie immediately walked towards them and jiu gladly offered her neck so the lady [ handong ] bit it before the other twelve could. "thanks" jiu winked before dragging yoohyeon back at their house.

she wasn't infected yet so she still have the sanity to play the song and bite yoohyeon's neck. "i told– y-you i'm the only one who could bite that neck of yours" jiu winked, pulling yoohyeon into their last kiss.

"it's the end of world, babe" they both smiled.

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