yeelkie - love her

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having her under her skin, breathlessly. she can't help but to feel amuse, seeing the girl she loves scream as those red substances flew out of her neck everytime she pushes a sharp object onto it.

yeeun laughed while those genuine tears left her eyes.

staring at the wall filled with elkie's name written in red ink in front of her, she had completely lost all the feelings once her tricky mind flashes the unwanted memories.

"i love her. i love her. i love her" said yeeun three times in a row as her blood-filled hands grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling it aggressively.

yeeun, from the bottom of her heart, knows she would give her life to elkie. but the voice from the back of her head continues telling her ungodly words. "if you do, you should've–"

"shut up! i love her! i love her!" yeeun shouted, hitting her head multiple times.

"leave me, elkie. i'm a trash. i'm crazy. just live your life!" yelled yeeun, pushing elkie in the shoulder as the chinese told her she loves her.

"i'm willing to be crazy aswell. yeeun, drag me into your hell, drag me into everything that kills you" replied elkie, softly as she could. not wanting to scare yeeun, she held her hands carefully and brushes it with her fingers.

"just... leave me"

elkie chuckled, "take me into your world. let me in, please yeeun"

both of them wants each other, one was just scared to reveal herself and one was willing to give herself, or be lost just for the other.

elkie was willing, willing to be in yeeun's miserable life, messy and psychotic mind. she had been warned for who knows how many times yet she chooses to stay with yeeun.

and yeeun finally accepted her into her world, and drags her into her hell.

yeeun remembers it. she clearly does. from the way she lets elkie explore her world to the way she had her under her skin, hysterically stabbing the younger.

"you killed her, yeeun. you killed the girl you said you love" yeeun heard the voice again.

"y-you told me to do it! it's not me! i didn't kill her!"

"yes you did"

she sobbed, sobbed and sobbed that slowly turns into a small laugh until it got louder. she laughed even louder and picked a scissor up and plays with it as another memory flashes.

"babe, what are you doing?!" asked elkie, immediately snatching the unholy scissor away from yeeun's palm to stop her from continuing what she has begun. elkie looked at the wall, teary. she's now has her name written endlessly at the wall. yeeun's blood as the ink. 

"i-it told me to do it! i-i love you, okay...?"  answered yeeun, wiping her tears with her cut-filled palm, covered in blood, painting her beautiful face in red liquid.

elkie kneeled in front of the girl and looked at her, eyes living in worries. she took a breathe and softly sneak her hand behind the yeeun's head then slowly let it rest into her shoulder. "you don't have to do that. because i know, i know you love me, hmmm?" whispered elkie, patting yeeun's head, and even hugging her with more comfort. "promise me, please yeeun"

"i-i promise"

yeeun had a smirk on her lips, remembering how soft and comforting elkie's voice and touch was, as it reminded her of the promise and in just a blink of an eye, a smirk was replaced by a pout as  she looked on the ground, sorrowing. "babe, when will you arrive now? would you come and save me?"

yeeun keeps on replaying how elkie's voice sound like while playing still with the scissor and roughly moved away the two sides of it, she puts the sharp blade on top of her palm, deepening it and slowly slides it down.

seeing a new drop of blood, another memory came.

elkie was there, sitting comfortably in the kitchen with a phone oh her hand and currently answering a test for her to get a job.

"can we talk?" when yeeun came and asked her softly. elkie smiled and set the test aside as it is for her girlfriend.

on the way to their shared room, it was peaceful, peaceful than a tree you wouldn't suspect yeeun to push elkie on the wall by the neck as they got in. "y-yeeun,what are y-"

"i know what are you doing! don't make a fool out of me!" all of a sudden, yeeun yelled, tightening the hold of elkie's neck. "i know while you're out, you're finding someone to replace me!"

elkie did her best to shook her head and looked at yeeun as her hands grips yeeun's softly, not even trying to hurt her, as her eyes were begging to let her go. and still, yeeun would only listen to the voice at her head.  "she doesn't want you anymore, yeeun"

yeeun then shouted just as she clenched her fingers tighter at elkie's neck and threw the girl's body on the floor. elkie was choking and barely got the chance to breathe when yeeun slapped her. "i love you! i thought you knew that?!"

"i do!" elkie shouted back, supporting herself from not laying down and tried to stood up when yeeun left and went to their drawer. "god" elkie gaspen when yeeun  turned around, holding a scissor.

"you're lying" whispered yeeun, calmly yet with a sound of pain. she looked at elkie, and just listens to whatever her mind was telling her to do until all she could see was blood.

she clearly remembers how beautiful elkie was under her. she turned her back on the wall and again, laughed with tears. she sobbed, smiled, cried, and laughed while loking at elkie's corpse laying down.

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