11. I.H. - Chance and Fate

Start from the beginning

And then he met Chance. Oh, best believe me when I say that Chance was nothing like Fate. If you compared them, Fate looked a lot like the Birth of Venus painting, standing drop-dead gorgeously atop a seashell as angels flocked around her. Chance, on the other hand, was the museum visitor seeing this painting, asking how the hell did seafoam birth a fully grown woman and appoint her as the goddess of love without her having any idea of it? Yep, Fate was a girly girl, and Chance was a bruh girl. It was difficult to tell them apart sometimes, merely because they got along so well. Fate would ask Chance for help if she needed it, while Chance would be more than willing to make it happen. But these are still two different entities, and when Ian lucked out and chose Chance, many parts of his life changed for the good. So... he went with it, not knowing that Fate was already in the works of giving him the one chance he should never let go of.

Picture this: Ian has always lived in warm-turning-hot California. Would this be a meet-cute without him having to move elsewhere? Could be, but it should be somewhere unfamiliar so that it wasn't by chance that he meets the love of his life. Fate didn't need to rely on Chance this time, because Ian himself suggested that the cast and crew should go to New York for their biggest event of the year. They could have chosen to go to other places, which were less expensive and also easier to their access, but they had things they needed to do in that grid system of a city. How did Fate play into this?

Let's take a look at whom Ian was fated by luck to meet. This girl has taken every chance she has in life to make sure everything went well. Strict to schedule, never spontaneous, always ahead of time when it came to planning. This lady was the embodiment of fate, because she made sure that everything went according to plan. As a child, she knew what she wanted, where she needed to go. As a teenager, she always stuck to what was familiar and assured herself that it was alright to be conventional. As an adult, she worked for something that was stable, strong, and definitely not going to break down any time soon.

The first boy she met, she knew she was going to marry. They spend almost 30 years of their lives together, and she wanted to get married in New York simply because they met each other as kids back then. She got lost in a ball pit, he was the one who found her. She was the one who asked him out to prom, not wanting to waste any time dillydallying and waiting for the man to say that chivalry was not dead. She celebrated every birthday with him, and he wanted the best for her. She made sure Fate was with her in every step. Perfect, and somehow a little meticulously suspiciously perfect at it.

And on the day of the wedding, she waited for him to arrive. He never did, but he did leave a letter telling her that he had so much more to life that he didn't know because of her. But he said that he wanted the best for her; the problem was he was too spontaneous for her to deal with. This guy was probably a fan of Rhett and Link: always curious. If you thought Fate and Chance were different, wait 'till you hear about Curiosity coming into play. We're not sure if this man were really a man, because this man was probably a cat waiting to be killed by the punchline of the quote in which Curiosity was involved. So she leaves the chapel, and not knowing where else to go, she takes the subway in hopes that it stops where Fate wanted her to be.

"Does the subway have a Subway?" Ian asks, crossing his arms as he and Damien walk out of the elevator in the hotel they stayed at. "I've been craving some sandwiches for a while now."

"If they don't have one, I might have to throw hands at their creatives team," Damien answers, laughing. "Why don't you go check it out? If there isn't any, I'll go search for a good sandwich shop in here."

"You got it." Oh, boy. You might know where this is headed.

From: Ian (SmoshIan)
To: Amy (GeneralEyes)

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