Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Hermione couldn’t believe it. Draco was just going to let himself die. This was unlike the Draco that Hermione knew in the years prior to this one. Why couldn’t he just be selfish again, and stop worrying about what anyone else would think?

            She continued studying for her final exams, Harry unusually quiet in the common room with his nose shoved in a book. He had been offered an Auror job right after the war, and that he didn’t have to go back to school, but he decided to finish his education because it’s what his parents would’ve wanted.

            Dean and Seamus were over in the corner of the common room talking to Ginny, who looked a little upset. Glancing around the room for anyone else, Hermione pulled aside a piece of parchment and a quill and wrote a note to Draco on it.

So is this it?


            Hermione sat in the chair in the common room waiting for a reply even after it was past lights out. There was no reply.

            In the morning someone was tapping Hermione’s shoulder to wake her up. She had fallen asleep in the chair.

            “Hermione, are you alright?” Seamus asked. She looked up at him, rubbing her eyes.

            “I’m fine, Seamus. Can you tell Professor McGonagall that I’m not feeling well? And that I’ve already done my work for the next week?”

            “Sure. Get some rest, Granger. You look terrible.”

            “Thanks, Seamus,” Hermione replied, gathering her things and going back up to her room. She didn’t go to sleep. She was too worried about Draco. Instead, she worked on some of her other homework that she knew she would need to eventually do.

            By the end of the day, she was exhausted, and slept through the rest of the next day. Madam Pomfrey came to check on her and said she had a horrible fever, which was a lie. Madam Pomfrey knows all. She knew someone who was lovesick when she saw it.

            “Were you slipped a potion?” she asked Hermione. Hermione shook her head.

            “No. I’m just no feeling good. Stomach ache.”

            When she left Hermione attended to the last of her homework, and as she did there was a knock on her door.

            “Come in,” she said. There was another knock. “I said come in.” Another knock. Hermione got up from her bed and went over to the door, where a piece of parchment was floating right about her nose height. She grabbed the piece of parchment eagerly and opened it, reading the note.

Goodbye. I love you.


            Hermione stared at the note, trying to find some hidden meaning in it. There wasn’t any. What it said was clear as day. He was leaving her for good.

Later on that day Hermione found out that Draco had disenrolled from Hogwarts, and that his father had taken him home.

            Hermione was walking around the lake when someone rested their hand on her shoulder. She turned around. It was McGonagall.

            “Granger, I don’t know what else to say.” Then she leaned in and gave Hermione a long hug. She knew.

            “Thank you,” she whispered, hugging her Headmistress tighter.


Hermione took and aced her final exams, and then starting applying for jobs at the Ministry alongside Harry.

            Shortly after Hermione had been accepted for a high position at the ministry, an owl was sent to her announcing the death of Draco Malfoy, former Death Eater and son of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black Malfoy.

            Hermione read the letter over and over again, tears landing on his name in red ink.

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