Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

“Draco, why are you home so early from school?” Lucius asked as Draco walked through the doors of the manor. His hair was dirty and went in all directions, and his robe hung lopsided and his tie wasn’t tied.

            “I can’t be there anymore.” He walked past his father and his mother came into the room, stopping him.


            “I would rather die here than there.” Then Draco walked past her and went to his room. His parents were concerned and waited for him to enter his room, and then went to his room and stopped outside his door, listening.

            “Lucius, what’s wrong? How does he know for sure?” Lucius shook his head.

            “I don’t know. Something must not be right. He has a few more months!” Then Narcissia knocked on the door.

            “Draco? Then she turned the knob and her and Draco’s father walked in. Their son was sitting on the edge of his bed, his back facing them, and they could hear a faint sniffling. “Draco. Tell me what’s wrong.” She started to walk over to him, but then turned back to her husband. “You better wait outside. I’ll talk to him.”  Lucius then left and Narcissia went and sat down beside Draco, slowly wrapping her arm around him and bringing him closer to her.

            “I’m going to die, mum,” Draco whimpered. “I’m going to die!” Tears spilled as he hung onto his mother. She tried to soothe him.

            “Why? Is it because you haven’t found--” Draco stood up abruptly and turned around to face her, his face red and his features sullen.

            “No! I found her! But because of this stupid bloodline rubbish she’s hesitant! She’s not one of us! You nor father would approve even if it was to save my life!” Next he turned away from her, walking over to the window where the rain pattered on the glass pane.

            “How do you know that we wouldn’t--”

            “BECAUSE SHE’S A MUDBLOOD! A FILTHY LITTLE MUDBLOOD!!” Then he walked up to his mother and knelt down in front of her, his head resting on her knees. He was shaking he was crying so hard. “It’s Granger mum, it’s Granger….” Narcissia rubbed her son’s platinum locks and then began to stare off into the distance. Even with the Dark Lord gone she couldn’t let interbreeding happen. She couldn’t let her only son die because a Mudblood couldn’t make a decision; but she had no choice. Narcissia had to make Hermione choose Draco and they had to mate before his birthday. If they didn’t and Draco died, she would risk going to Azkaban and kill her too.

            Narcissia placed both her hands on either side of Draco’s face and made him look at her.

            “Draco,” she told him sternly through her pale skin and dark lipstick, “you need to go back to school and be with that girl, even if it is the last thing that you ever do.” She then stood up and grabbed Draco’s hands, making him stand as well. “I won’t have my only son dying because a stupid little girl couldn’t make up her mind. You’re going back to Hogwarts.” Narcissia turned and left her son, opening and stopping at his bedroom door to turn back and say one last thing to him.

            “Keep your things packed. Get a good night’s sleep and we will leave in the morning.” Then she shut the door behind her and Lucius was down the hall in his study, reading. Narcissia knocked on the door.

            “Enter,” Lucius said, looking over his glasses at her and then back down to the book he was reading. “So what’s wrong with Draco?”

            “Nothing,” she lied. “He is just a bit confused about the bloodline. I’ll be taking him back to school tomorrow. Then I will be gone for a few days. I’m going to take and trip out of country. Maybe visit Russia or Australia.” Lucius nodded.

            “Very well. Then you best go and sleep. You’ll need all your energy for your trip.

A Dramione Love Story: To Be a Veela (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now