Author's Note

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So I've been getting a lot of questions about this story, and I'll just answer a few of them to get them in the clear, but before I do that I just want to say thank you to my readers for all the feedback. I really appreciate it! So here goes...

"Wait, weren't Harry and Ron Aurors? They're not supposed to be at Hogwarts."

Okay so I noticed at the beginning of this story that I had said that they weren't there...I fixed that. Also, for the sake of this fan fiction I changed a few things. Yes, this still could've made sense if they were away from Hogwarts but I wanted to write something with them in it because I'm not sure if I'll be writing another fan fiction.


I didn't want to write a happy ending...sort of. I just couldn't think of any other way to end the story other than putting those two together. If wanted and requested enough, I might be able to put together a few alternate endings (or one since I'm really lazy with my updates).

"Crabbe died not Goyle..."

I'm sorry I forgot my Harry Potter Trivia. Scold me, beat me amoungst the head and neck area for being the worst fan in the world, I don't care. I fixed it.

*If I forgot anything or you have any questions, please PM me. Thanks :)

A Dramione Love Story: To Be a Veela (COMPLETE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt