Ch. 36: My Turn

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???: Moonbin, what’s up? Why’re you suddenly calling?

My lower lip is trembling as I prepare to say what I have to say.

Moonbin: H-hyung… I-I made a mistake…


Eunwoo’s POV
The hospital

I run through the corridors with the rest of Astro, except Moonbin, and turn the corner to the emergency room, to see Moonbin seated at the waiting area, his head between his hands. I stop running when I see him, and he looks up then turns to us. I can see that he was crying.

Eunwoo: Moon-

Suddenly, Minhyuk runs past me and my eyes widen as he pulls Moonbin up by the collar and punches him in the face, making him fall to the ground. Moonbin doesn’t even seem affected by Minhyuk’s actions.

Minhyuk: What did you do?!

When I realize what’s going on, I quickly run to them to stop Minhyuk from hurting Moonbin even more, but Myungjun stops me. I give him a confused look, but he shakes his head at me.

Myungjun: Let them talk.

Eunwoo: But Minhyuk’s gonna beat him up if this continues!

I whisper to Myungjun harshly, but he keeps his calm.

Myungjun: You know Minhyuk isn’t the type to fight, and Moonbin would never hurt someone... especially if it’s his friend.

My eyes widen when I hear what Myungjun said.

He actually has a point.

I then sigh, and take back my step. I then look towards Minhyuk and Moonbin. Minhyuk seems enraged, and Moonbin just seems unable to move at all.

Minhyuk’s POV

I’m looking down at Moonbin. He doesn’t seem to be responding at all and that makes me even more enraged. I grab him by the collar again to make him stand up, but I stop when I’ve made him stand up and see pure guilt in his eyes. Moonbin then looks away and he speaks with a shaky voice.

Moonbin: I’m sorry...

My rage subsides, but I’m still annoyed as I push Moonbin, but not too much so he would fall to the ground again. I look away from him as I speak.

Minhyuk: I was going to let you have her... because I thought you would take care of her. You noticed it, didn’t you? My feelings for her?

I look at Moonbin and see him nod while still avoiding eye contact.

Moonbin: I’ve noticed it since high school...

I breathe a sarcastic laugh, as I remember all that happened 5 years ago.

Minhyuk: I should have made a move, back then. You nor Soobin were even able to make a move on her because you were such cowards. And you...

My anger starts to rise again.

Minhyuk: You didn’t even realize that you were playing with her, weren’t you?

Moonbin looks at me with wide eyes and I breathe another sarcastic laugh.

Minhyuk: You knew she liked you, but you kept your mouth shut. When your crazy ex came along, you even let her flirt with you, right infront of Y/N’s eyes. You kept pushing Y/N away, eventually making her turn to Soobin. And when she did, what did you do?

Guilt becomes clear in Moonbin’s eyes again as he looks away.

Minhyuk: You went after her again, making her doubtful of her feelings. You even made her feel guilty almost to the point of death before you left. Did you ever even realize any of that?!

I yell at Moonbin, and it seems to just make him guiltier.

Minhyuk: And now... I can’t believe you let her get hurt physically. Just how much more are you gonna keep hurting her, hyung?

Moonbin: I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to-

Minhyuk: Stop apologizing.

Moonbin looks at me with wide eyes and I can almost see tears in the corners of his eyes. Somehow, that made me guilty as I say the next words.

Minhyuk: You apologizing won’t do anything now. Until you don’t fix your mistakes, I won’t let you see Y/N while I’m around.

I clench my fists, wanting to punch Moonbin one more time, but quickly walk out of the hospital.

Moonbin’s POV

I watch as Minhyuk leaves and guilt starts to wash over me as I remember everything that he said.

Aish! How could I be so stupid?

Love Maze: 18 Exits (BTS X Reader X Astro X TXT) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz