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"She loved with so much passion as she loved with ignorance. She did not know whether it were good or evil, beneficent or dangerous, necessary or accidental, eternal or transitory, permitted or prohibited: she loved." ― Victor Hugo

"The only things one never regrets are one's mistakes." ― Oscar Wilde

"No matter how well you know someone, there's still a part of them you won't. You can't. Like, ever."― Rick Yancey

Chapter 26

Several words could describe the decoration and the hall itself where the party was held, the ones that stood out the most being gloomy, tasteless and boring. The most inconspicuous color of them all, the one and only grey, was everywhere, truly, madly and, certainly deeply everywhere. There were only a few little objects of a different color, black being the most dominant among them. Which is quite ironic seeing as black isn't even a color. The atmosphere gave off a well-known and a rather typical impression of narcissism, arrogance and cynicism. I haven't had the "pleasure" of being a guest at an event like this since I moved to this city, and I couldn't exactly say that I felt sad about it or that I was struck by nostalgia. As I had originally assumed, this evening was most likely about to provoke my untimely demise. If so far no case of dying as a result of unbearable boredom has been recorded in history, I am quite sure that I will have the privilege of being the first.

"I knew that this was a terrible idea," I commented after only a few seconds had passed since we stepped into the minefield.

There were, of course, some things that were not as bad, to say the least. The view, when it came to the lustful side of humanity, was surprisingly pleasing. Ladies were admiringly beautiful, dressed in lavish, undoubtedly expensive dresses, paired with heels that were most definitively higher and stronger than my will to live. The men, however, were not particularly interesting, which, as a matter of fact, wasn't that much surprising since I had a reincarnation of a Greek god as my date, who was also pathologically jealous.

"You won't be bored for long," he murmured, pointing forward. I followed the direction and squealed when I understood what he meant.

I pulled him harder by the arm and took quick steps toward the desired destination. As soon as we arrived, I threw myself into the arms of a beautiful girl who had an enchanting smile plastered on her face that enlightened the whole room. Hannah returned the gesture, hugging me so tightly that she probably rearranged the arrangement of my ribs. She was stunning as always. The orange, tight, knee-length dress, with a slit on her left, complemented her complexion and made her look fearless and divine. I didn't know how long we stood in each other's embrace, enjoying the somewhat similar scents of perfumes that seemed to fit perfectly together, until we were brought back from our world by an obviously false cough.

"Mate, I have a feeling that they forget about us the moment they get a glimpse of one another," Leon told Mateo with clear annoyance in his voice. Mateo didn't respond, but he did let out a grunt in agreement.

"That's because we do," Hannah arrogantly said after we separated. I attempted to hug Leon too, but Mateo put his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, preventing me from doing so. Leon rolled his eyes and nodded in greeting. I returned the gesture with a smile on my face. I found it incredibly sweet how the color of his tie matched Hannah's dress.

"Girl, I swear you have new shoes on you every time I see you! You'll be broke in no time if you continue like that," Hannah looked at me in disbelief.

"Not me, Mateo will," I winked at her.

"He bought those?"

"And promised to buy me another pair if I come here with him,"

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