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Love is supposed to lift you up, not hold you down. It is supposed to push you forward, not hold you back.

― Suzy Kassem

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

― Oscar Wilde

Chapter 13

"You seriously have no intention of telling me what happened?" I asked Mateo for what seemed to be the thousandth time since I arrived.

"You seriously have no intention to change your clothes?" He countered, sounding bitter.

I wasn't particularly fond of the way he was talking to me, so I applied more pressure than necessary with the clean cloth I used to tend his cuts. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. It was rather obvious that he was hurt by my actions, considering that the cloth was soaked with alcohol. However, he refused to acknowledge that or to react in any other way. He probably thought that if he showed his pain, the picture of the rough guy he considered himself to be would vanish.


"Mateo, I'm serious," I tried one more time in a much calmer tone.

"Me too, you promised me something earlier." I didn't know how he was able to do that, considering the fact that he looked like his life energy was leaving his body, but he sounded a bit threatening. Normally, I wouldn't take such a risk, playing with Mateo when he was in that element, however, this time I thought that he was under my control.

"Your body is covered in bruises-" I started but he interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"No shit, captain obvious," he said sarcastically and winced right after, seeing as I was still cleaning his cuts.

"Mateo..." I whispered his name with such gentleness I wasn't aware I had in me. I looked him in the eyes and blinked a couple of times, trying to seem naïve and innocent. He gulped. That action would usually bring me enormous pleasure, yet, at that point, I had much more important things to do.

Slowly, almost like in slow motion, I brought my lips to his ear and whispered "Tell me..." I noticed the way his heart changed the rhythm of Its beating in one that was much faster as well as the way he began to breathe heavily. My next move could probably be classified as cruel, but at the time I was ready to do whatever it takes to make him confess. As gently as I was able to I put my hand on his thigh, pretty close to most likely the only useful part of men's body. I thought that I was completely in control at that moment, however, he wasn't the one to give up that easily.

"Mateo..." The desperation in my voice could be heard so clearly that, in normal circumstances, I would definitely die out of embarrassment because of it.

I started to move my hand even higher, however, but in the very next moment, Mateo quickly brought his to mine, grabbed it, and moved away, wincing in the process. At that point, I was already panicked so I didn't even need more than a millisecond to come out of the state of trans I was in and realize what I was doing. I demanded an answer from my boyfriend who was physically hurt and I was only making everything worse.

I jumped off the bed and tried to put him in a comfortable position. Leon approached us, wanting to help. That was the first time I noticed his presence since we arrived. Somehow we managed to adjust Mateo's position who had his hand on his waist the whole time. I had a suspicion that his ribs were probably bruised, but would he admit it? I was pretty sure that the idiot would rather die.

"Dude, you look like you were hit by a bus." Leon's comments made Mateo roll his eyes.

"You should see the other guy."

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