Chapter 2: Safety

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TW: hospital scene, PTSD of trauma

"Is he?" Theo couldn't even finish the sentence; he had to be alive He needed him alive.

"Alive, yes," Scott assured him, leaving out if he was good or not. Malia met them downstairs as the three headed off towards the hospital. They swung by and picked Mason and Corey up as Lydia and Stiles met them there. Nolan, Alec, and Argent were already at the hospital checking on Melissa.

Nolan and Alec stared at each other in silence as they looked at their broken friend unconscious in the hospital bed, shocked and scared. Scott, Malia, Mason, Corey, and Theo broke in next. Theo instantly rushing to his side, scanning his broken body.

He rubbed his hand through his hair, "oh, Little Wolf."

Scott and Melissa stared at each other as the woman gave him a side hug. Mason began to cry as Corey just gripped his hand harder. Malia stood there in shock as Lydia and Stiles barged in. Lydia almost screamed right there and then as Stiles wrapped her in his arms. They all just stood there for a few minutes in silence.

"Hey, I know you all care a lot about him, but we all can't be in here when he wakes up. We don't want to overwhelm him," Melissa looked at the group. She stared back at Theo's elbows on his knees as he watched over the beta. "Theo and I will stay with him; you guys can sit out in the waiting room until he is comfortable." They nodded leaving the room.

Theo stared at Liam; he knew how the Dread Doctors tortured people until they lost themselves. He stared at Liam's broken body; someone did this to him, Liam. His fragile state looked deathly, but Liam was strong, even now. He thought this was some form of karma for all the work he did for the Dread Doctors, finally coming back to him by taking out the one person he loved.

"He's going to be okay; it's going to take time, but he will be," Melissa stared at the chimera, tears coming down his face.

"Is he?" Theo stared up at her.

"He will be; he has people who love him."

Theo nodded, hoping it was enough, "why don't you think he's healing?"

"His healing ability is doing everything just to keep him alive," Melissa stared at him, "he was surviving off of nothing. He had nothing left in him; he had days if Parrish didn't find him."

"I just wish I would have picked him up that day," Theo said quietly, shuttering at the thought of Liam having days.

"Theo, you and I know you have done a lot of things in your life, but letting him down is not one of them. You can't blame yourself for this; he needs you to be strong for him. You are now his anchor more than ever."

Theo nodded he knew Melissa knew he had changed. She even helped him get a job at the hospital as a nurse's aide. He just stared back down at Liam, trying to convince himself he needed to be there for him and couldn't let his own self-blame get in the way.

Argent walked back into the hospital after getting off the phone with Parrish. He entered the waiting room to a bunch of solemn kids. Scott's head was in his hands as Malia had her arm draped over him. Lydia was leaning on Stiles's shoulder as he was rubbing his hand through her hair. Corey and Mason were holding hands both leaning on one another. Nolan was wrapping himself tighter in his sweatshirt, bouncing his leg up and down as Alec was rubbing his shoulder.

"Find out anything?" Scott finally asked the man.

"They are two doctors; they knew of you guys through Monroe's troops. She supplied them, instructed them, then they did the rest. One was the school nurse."

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