3- broken foot

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-1 month later-
When I woke up this morning my head was pounding. I stared at the top of the tent. It was light outside it was still kinda dark. I grabbed my knife and walked outside. I walked around slowly and quietly. I smiled at the birds and the sound of the leaves brushing against the ground and the trees. It was starting to get light outside. I decided to carve me and Daryl's initials in the tree bark. I heard a scream. A deep man scream. I started to run back to camp. I saw walkers on a familiar man. Ed. I screamed a blood curtailing scream. I'm not upset about it I mean hes a dick but the sight was ugly. I ran up and pulled a walker off. I stabbed it in the head. I stabbed the other two as everyone came running out. I heard Carol and sophia scream. I turned around and I looked at Daryl.
D- come here baby
I ran to him and he picked me up hugging me. I gripped him tight and dropped my knife. Carol was holding onto him before his breath got weaker.
SH- you have to shot him before he turns.
CP- I know but I can't..Daryl please.
D- someone want to take jennifer?
L- I will. Come on baby girl let's go. It looks like you are ready for a trim anyways.
D- I'll do it when I get back.
R- we need to keep moving
SH- I know
D- everyone needs to go though. Carol you want to stay
CP- yes please..Rick take sophia
We all walked away. I heard a gun shot and I jumped. Carl grabbed my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. I smiled at the comfort. Carl sat on a tree stump and I laid between his legs. I kinda fell asleep between his legs.
Carl's pov-
The shot scared jennifer. She jumped. S
I grabbed her hand. I knew she was going to pull away. But to my surprise she relaxed. I rubbed her hand with my thumb. My dad does it to my mom. Thought I might try it out. Her face got pink and she slightly smiled. I sat down leaning on a tree and she sat between my legs. I still had a hold of her hand and she slowly fell asleep. I smiled at her. I think jennifer is absolutely gorgeous. She is really kind and quiet unlike sophia. Don't get me wrong Sophia is my best friend right now in the world but jennifer. She's different than any girl I've met before. Watching her take down the walkers and seeing how she mostly keeps to herself. She has walls. I want to break them. I want to get to know her. The only thing I know is she was hurt in the past and that Daryl isn't her real dad. I saw dad and shane smiling at us. They were whispering to eachother. I chuckled quietly and jennifer slightly moved. She move her head to her side and nuzzled herself into my chest. Which is very boney. I'm only 12. What can I do about it. Mom walked over to dad and he pointed slightly and she looked over and smiled. they all were whispering and talking. A couple hours fly by and Daryl comes walking into camp.
D- where's jennifer?
He looked around kind of panicking. Dad walked over and nudged his head over towards us and he looked over. He relaxed and then realized what was happening. He stormed over.
D- why are you holding my daughters hand
He kinda said loudly
C- shh she's asleep Daryl
D- don't tell me to shush
C- she was scared. She heard the gun shot and I wanted to make sure she was okay and she kind of fell asleep.
D- well this isn't happening ever!
He shook Jennifer and she shot up. She stood up dusting off and looked at me.
J- I'm sorry
She mouthed and Daryl took her hand and sat her in the ground on front of his chair. He started to cut her hair. She looked kind of upset. I felt bad. I knew Daryl was saying something to her but I wanted to know what. I stood up and went to Carol so I could find Jennifers knife. I finally found it and ran back to camp carefully hiding from walkers.
L- Carl where are you I need to cut your hair?
C- right here mom sorry
L- I've been calling for you for five minutes where were you
C- I was getting jennifers knife. Here
I hand it to her and she looks down and quickly grabs it.
R- Lorie can I speak with you
L- yeah. Carl your hair cut will have to wait
J- I can do it Mrs.Grimes. I've watched you cut his hair for awhile I can do it. And if I mess up who's going to see
She laughs
L- thanks Jennifer. Here be careful.
Mom walks away before jennifer pushs me into a car. No one was around. Just me and her. She leaned down really close to my face. Are lips almost touched before she finally spoke
J- are you ready for your hair cut sir
I was flustered. I don't know what this feeling was but It felt good.
C- uh..uh..yes I am
J- good
She smiled and put her hand on my thigh before slowly standing up. She ran her hand from my shoulder up my neck and into my hair. She softly whispered in my ear
J- your hair is really soft
I blushed.
Jennifers pov-
I was messing with Carl. I didn't want him to feel bad. I whispered in his ear.
J- your hair is really soft.
I pulled a section before cutting it. As I was cutting more hair off Carl was shifting weirdly. I looked over his shoulder and saw he had a boner. The only reason I know what it is was because some guy in the orphanage told me I gave him one before trying to rape me. I knew that it was because he was turned on. How. I didn't try to I was just messing around. I finished his hair and he stood up quickly before running away into the rv. Did I do something wrong. I looked down. I brushed the chair off and cleaned the scissors before putting them in lories bag. I put the comb away and ran my hair through my curly hair. Daryl walked out of the rv and my eyes widened.
D- why did carl run into the bathroom
J- I didn't let him pee before I started doing his hair. And he told me he had to go so I finished up and he ran inside.
D- oh okay. We need to go get ready for bed.
J- I haven't eaten all day though.
D- fine hurry up and eat something so you can get some rest before we head out
J- are we going on a run
D- no we get walkers here every day we need to move spots.
J- oh okay I guess
I walked into the rv and Carl was reaching up for the top shelf. I snaked my arms around his torso. I didn't mind how boney he was. He turned around quickly almost dropping the cans from the top shelf.
C- you scared me
J- my bad. Here let me get that for you.
I reached up and when I grabbed the can I realized my boobs were in his face.
J- oh my God I'm so sorry
C- it's fine.
J- here
I handed him the can of spaghettios.
C- thanks
Our hands brushed against each other and I pulled away quickly and he dropped the can. It hit my foot.
J- ow mother fucker
I winced and grabbed my foot. It hurt really bad. I know you are probably thinking wow what a baby it's a can. Yeah no. It was one of the big cans that can probably feed five kids. He picked up the can
C- oh crap I'm sorry I didn't mean to
J- it's fine! Don't touch me please.
C- I was going to ask if you and sophia wanted to share this with me.
J- yeah sure. Let me grab the spoons.
I limped over and opened the drawer. I grabbed three plastic spoons and Carl walked outside. A tear fell down my face. It hurt super bad. I wiped it away and limped outside.
D- what happened to you
J- carl accidentally dropped the can on my foot.
Dale walked over
DL- crap is your foot okay?
J- eh it hurts really badly
D- take your shoe off let me see
I did and I took my sock off and I looked away.
D- good Lord.
A- damn carl if that's how you flirt then did you ever put a girl in the hospital because if the world wasn't shitty that's where she would be
C- I wasn't flirting I just couldnt reach the shelf
I looked down at my foot. My toes were red and I could tell my toe nails were broken as fuck. I know gross but what can I say.
DL- you shouldn't walk on it for awhile. It's going to brusie and we have no idea if it's broken.
D- how can we tell
J- if I can move my toes stupid
I smacked him in the head and he laughed
D- right sorry
A- try moving it
I tried and it kinda moved. It hurt like a bitch and I winced trying to move it more
R- don't do that jennifer you could hurt yourself more
I sighed and stopped. Dale ran into the rv.
SH- now what. She can barley walk and what if we got to run? She will slow us down.
D- she is literally a 13 year old who weighs what
J- why are we bringing my weight into it
D- you don't weigh that much you are really light. Maybe she's like 93 pounds
I rolled my eyes.
SH- whatever if she slows us down your out
J- you know what shane you can kiss my ass. I'm not going to slow you down because my foot isn't broken! So shove off before I make sure you never have kids again or better yet breath
I yank out my knife and everyone stood up.
SH- she just fucking threatened me.
R- shane shush she's 13 and like Daryl said she's light. Us adults can take turns carrying her whole running if we do need to run ever. But she will be fine. She threatened you because you threatened her and her dad's life.
He rolled his eyes and I scoffed and sat down. Dale came out and wrapped my foot. I handed Sophia and spoon and she sat in front of me. Us kids were eating out of the can of spaghettios.
S- Im full
C- I know right but there still half a can
J- I'm going to eat it if you guys are full
C- very. How are you still eating?
J- I haven't eaten in awhile. Well a big meal.
S- this is a big meal to you?
J- duh. Sophia not all of us can live the life of having a mom to cook you dinner every night. Some of us didn't have a home at all.
She rolled her eyes and walked away.
J- I didn't mean to be rude. Fuck me
I whispered
C- you okay
J- stressed out a little.
C- about your foot?
J- everything mostly
C- I'm sorry
I finished the can and threw it into the woods.
C- do you want a hug?
J- yes please
He stood up and hugged me. Everyone was watching but we didn't care.
J- I should go to bed
C- let me walk you to your tent
We walked away and as we did I heard Rick say
R- they are going to end up together some day. I can feel it.
I smiled and we finally got to my tent.
J- goodnight Carl
C- goodnight jennifer
I kissed his cheek and went inside laying down. God I'm so happy right now. I felt like Carl maybe liked me. But I don't know. I kept tossing and turning due to the pain. I finally fell asleep.

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