19- where is he?

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I've been in here for a couple days and I was in a dress today. It's the only thing really clean and was placed in my bag the other day. I don't know who got it for me either. I haven't seen my dad is awhile. Carl keeps disappearing. I have to keep taking care of someone else's kid. I was pretty much angry. I asked Rick where Carol and Sophia were but he walked away. I was reading a book with my head phones on and Micah ran up to me.

M- we have to go!

J- what why?

L- we are being attacked!

I threw the book and packed my bag quickly. I wished I wouldn't have worn this dress. I grabbed my bag and sprinted towards the bus. Why am I leaving. My dad! I ran the opposite direction and towards the courtyard fence. I saw everyone firing guns. I quickly grabbed a gun and started to shoot at the governor. 

D- why aren't you on that bus girly!

J-i ain't leaving my old man!

I smiled continuing to shoot. I saw Michonne rolling away.

J- where's hershel!?

C- that asshole cut his head off.

I saw Maggie and Beth crying. I almost cried. I continued to shoot. I shot some guys in the head. I was angry. There hurting our people. I grabbed a couple more guns and they started to come into the courtyard.


J- NO! I'm not fucking leaving you dixon!

I yelled through all the loud noises. I saw lizzie and I ran towards them.

J- go to the busses kids!

?- no! We aren't going to! We need to help!

They ran away somewhere and suddenly everything went black. Was I dead. What happened. 


I was sprinting through the woods laughing. The wind was flowing through my hair, leaves falling from the trees, jumping over roots to trees, the crunching of the leaves as my shoes hit the soft mud and leaves covered ground. I turned my head back to see if he was following me. I turned back around and came to a halt at the edge of the cliff. I turned around and saw my dad coming close to me.

J- I win you old man!

I joked and stuck my tongue out at Daryl. He smiled.

D- no you just are alot more healthy than me!

He joked back. Whe picked me up and threw me over his shoulder walking dangerously close to the edge. Why is everything fuzzy. Suddenly my dad set me down as we both burst out laughing. I tripped and fell off the cliff. This wasn't how the memory went. We were supposed to mess around and play tag. Till it started to pour down rain. We had to run home in a thunderstorm. But nope when I hit the water everything went silent. I held my breathe wanting to get back to the surface but I never did. When I opened my eyes I was in my old moms house. Underwater.

I started to freak out I couldn't breathe. I felt someone behind me land when I turned around underwater someone grabbed me. I closed my eyes and hit pavement. I was at Daryls house. Daryl came out and punched me. I knocked out

-flashback end-

I woke up on the ground of the prison. I sat up and held my head. I groaned and someone shoved me back onto the ground. I started to fight for my life. A girl around 23 started to beat me up. She wrapped her hands around my throat and was choking me out. I shoved my thumbs in her eyes as hard as I could. Making them bleed out. I shoved her off of me and stood up. So did she. She was screaming. Suddenly a shot rang nearly hitting my head. I heard a groan and thud. A walker. Darn. Where's my dad. The girl who was with the governor was suddenly shot by Micah. I smiled.

M- Michonne!?

I turned my head to see her stab the governor. I ran towards her and watched Rick limp past me.

J- have any of you seen my dad???!!!

M- no!

J- where is he! DARYL!!

M- Come on we are overrun we have to go!

She grabbed my hand and we walked outside of the prison. She got four walkers and cut the arms and jaws off. She handed me two on a lead. We walked through the woods for awhile. It got dark and we slept in a car.

Daryls pov-

There was a loud blast that happened and suddenly I lost sight of Jen. I yelled for her. I asked Carl, Maggie, and Beth. But no one saw her. I yelled for her while attacking people. I ended up with Beth leaving the prison. Thinking she'd be safe with one of our own. Or on the bus. I looked for her before we left. No one. How could I be so dumb. What if she's dead. Now I'm with a young girl who reminds me so much of young Jen when we first met. I mean come on. Really. Why did I have to put with such a needy little girl. I was pissed that I couldn't find my daughter but as we got away from the burning infested prison I thought I heard.


I flipped around and went to go running but Beth grabbed my arm.

B- she's probably gone by now. There isn't a need to get yoursf killed over her. She's a strong kid. She'll be okay. Let's go

What did she just say that. Oh the feelings I have towards this child. I already miss my dragster. She would've been smiling the whole way through. Making me chuckle quietly. Doing stupid dances while walking down the road. Stop thinking about her.

Carl's pov-
I watched Jennifer dissappear in the explosion and I screamed for her. I could find her afterwards. I guess neither did Daryl. We both yelled for her. After awhile of shooting and protecting our people I saw Jennifer sprinting across the field. I then saw my dad and we looked for Judith. We found her baby carrier empty. I shot a walker over and over again angry. How could I have left her with those little shit kids. I should've been watching her. I got my own baby sister killed. It should've been me! Me and my dad walked away and I thought I heard


I turned my head and my dad scolded me.

R- don't turn back Carl. Don't turn back

He said as we continued on moving. Is she okay. She was wearing this cute little dress today cause she didn't know who got it for her. I do. Patrick got it for her. He went on a run once with Daryl and Zach. Couple others. He thought it was cute plus a nice gesture for her not being mean about his Lego set and got it for Jen. Daryl didn't know though. So when she wore it today he was confused. I told him who got it for her. I'm not thinking about anyone else just her. My dad looks like shit though. He deserves it though. He killed everyone.

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