12- uncle merle I'm scared

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Another two days on the road reading signs and shit. The bike was running low. I filled it was gas at the nearest gas station. Let me tell you. Getting gas out the car around wasn't fun. Gasoline don't taste pretty. I got it filled up and I covered it with a tarp I found on a car. I covered the tarp with dirt and leaves. The only reason I am doing that is so I can go hunting. I heard a car speeding. I left my bag there too quickly before finding myself on the road. I hid my weapons nicely. I found a pretty good huge amount. You'd be surprised. But the ones I had on me without the bag are small. I saw a black jeep speeding down the side of the road. I waved my arms in the air as a sign for help. They slowed down. Four men got out of the jeep.

?- hello pretty lady.

They started to cat call but someone stopped them.

M- kid? Is that you?!

I held my hand up to get the sun out of my face. Merle. I started crying.

J- uncle merle!

I cried out scared. He ran up to me and hugged me.

J- uncle merle it was terrifying. I just. I can't.

I started to panic.

M- count. It's alright I got you. Relax. Deep breaths. Where is everyone. Did they leave you hand cuffed too?

I shook my head.

J- our place got overrun by walkers and I saved everyone's ass.

M- get in.. let's go boys.

I got in and sat next to merle. I told him everything. I told him all about Shane. And how I found him dead in the field. How I saved everyone without thinking.

M- wait is he still alive?

He whispered. I nodded. I pointed at the car next to the Jeep. A note. 'kid keep going. Remember. Don't let fear control you. You got this baby. Bed.'

I looked under the car before the jeep started moving. Water. Food. I felt bad. But uncle merle wouldn't hurt me. I told them how I survived.

?- you're pretty bad ass kid

?- yeah no shit. If I had to do that as a kid I'd be dead within seconds.

J- I get it from my dad and uncle.  Dad said they left you handcuffed. How'd you get out?

I asked merle confused. They were driving slowly now.

M- I did what I had to do. I cut my hand off to escape. Then I found a stove. Turned it on and got the bleeding to stop. Then these guys found me. Do you know where there at kid?

I shook my head.

J- Im scared merle. What if my dad is hurt. What if he gives up cause he thinks I'm dead. I mean.

M- hey. He doesn't give up like that on people especially not over you. Now come on we are here.

The pulled into some gates. Houses. Lined down two roads. I got out with merle. We walked for awhile before I was taken into a small house.

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