Hero Names and Internships?

Start from the beginning

"Is something the matter Di Angelo?" I ask, wary. This kid's anger wasn't like Bakugo's. It was quiet, powerful, and ominous as opposed to Bakugo's loud, normal, and obnoxious anger. Jackson says something in their foreign language to Di Angelo, his tone warning. Di Angelo ignores him and stands up, his dark coffee brown eyes ablaze and his hands curled into tight fists.

"Is this a joke?" he asks quietly. The room settles into uneasy silence.

"Hero school, costumes, code names?" His voice gets louder with each word, Jackson and Solace no longer try to stop him, just watch with grim expressions.

"Do you people seriously think this is nothing more than a game?" Di Angelo fumes. Many of the students don taken aback looks upon hearing his words while a few others look insulted instead. I narrow my eyes at the small boy glaring at everyone.

"You think being a hero is just about dressing up in costumes, having cutesy codenames, and gaining fortune and fame for beating up criminals?" He accuses, the room temperature dropping a few more degrees. Several students start shivering and still Solace and Jackson just watch with stony expressions. I'm starting to think these kids know something we don't..

"Well let me tell you what it's really like. It's dangerous, hard, and deadly. One slip-up is all it takes to easily lose your life or the life of someone you're trying to protect."

Several student blanch at his words. Before I can do anything, Bakugo yells out "Oh yeah? and how would you know Emo Freak?"

Di Angelo shoots him a murderous look, but before he can reply, Jackson cuts in.

"Because where we're from, being a hero is essentially an obligation, and not something we get praised much for. We've lost a lot of friends and have faced things I guarantee none of you, not even your pro heroes, have ever faced," He says, his voice laced with pain, sadness, and bitterness. What kind of things? What could these kids have faced that's beyond anything even a pro hero's faced?

Bakugo huffs and sits down. Midoriya appears to remember something and speaks.

"Is that why you guys have all those scars?" He asks timidly. Jackson nods while Solace drags Di Angelo down into his lap, the room slowly warming up and the writhing shadows receding as the boy calms down. I take my hand down from scarf and sigh. I don't get paid enough for this.

"I think the three of us need some fresh air," Solace says, keeping hold of his boyfriend as he stands and nods at Jackson, who follows him and Di Angelo out of the room, the three of them passing by Midnight with no reaction from the latter. 

Iida's P.O.V.

Once the three exit the room Aizawa-sensei and Miss. Midnight leave, saying they need to converse with the principle. As everyone huddle in groups and talk quietly, I stand and join Midoriya, Shoto, Tokoyami, and Uraraka's conversation.

"I feel bad for Percy, Nico, and Will," Uraraka says, a sad expression on her face.

"When Percy told me that their lives back home weren't easy, I thought that maybe they were getting bullied or that they lived in a bad neighborhood," Midoriya says. "I never thought all those scars were from doing hero work..." 

"Yeah, it certainly explains why they don't like talking much about where they're from. All I've ever really gotten them to tell me about is this camp they all go to in the summer," Todoroki adds. Everyone else nods in agreement and I remember what Percy said to me yesterday as we were making our way back the bleachers after our match. 

A keen awareness of one's surroundings and self are a normal part of life where I'm from.

Now I understand what he meant, but if it's normal for them to be like that all the time, just how dangerous are their lives?

Aizawa-sensei and Miss. Midnight come back twenty minutes later with Percy, Nico, and Will. The three take their seats and converse quietly over the whiteboards, ignoring everyone else. The class resumes choosing their codenames, albeit not as enthusiastically as before.

Izuku's P.O.V.

While I certainly wasn't trying to, I end up overhearing Will, Percy, and Nico's conversation as they appear to try and think of hero names for themselves.

"I still think this is stupid," Nico grumbles, writing something down and setting his marker to side of his board.

"I know but we did make that deal with the principle. We can go down to our spot after school and you can vent without freezing anyone to death," Will says, frowning down at his own whiteboard. A light bulb goes off in his head and he writes something down, capping his marker and setting it down.

"We can spar if you want. I could do with letting off a little steam myself," Percy says, running a hand through his tousled hair with a huff as he taps his dry erase marker on his whiteboard, a stumped look on his face as he stares at the empty board in front of him. 

"You're seriously having trouble thinking of a stupid name?" Nico scoffs. Percy shrugs. 

"I don't really want to use any of my nicknames that my friends call me by."

Nico snickers. "It would be funny if you did though."

"Shut up Zombie Boy."

"U-Umm, I-I have a hero idea name f-for you Percy," I say timidly. He looks at me, a look of surprise crossing his face for a split second before his face morphs into a smile. 

"Alright, shoot."

Gaining confidence I comply. "H-how about Maelstrom? It's a name for powerful whirlpools and I thought since you're really powerful and your quirk revolves around water, it would be a good name." 

Percy grins. "Thanks Izuku, I think I'll use that."

"Only because you can't think of anything yourself," Nico snorts. Percy sticks his tongue out at the younger boy.

"What about you Nico? What names did you and Will pick?" I ask. Nico shows me his board, which read 'Ghost King'. Will shows me his as well but only has a bunch of symbols written on it. 

"Uh, what is yours supposed to say Will?" I ask. He frowns and looks at his board, seeing the symbols and going, "Oh. Whoops, hold on a sec." he erases it and writes something else, turning it for me to see. "Sorry, I wrote the word in it's normal form instead of the form you guys can read."

"That's okay," I say, smiling. I look at the now readable name. "Iatrós?"

He sets the board down. "Yeah, it means doctor in Ancient Greek."

"Wow, that's cool!" I smile. He chuckles. 


Once everyone's hero names are approved, everyone selects the hero agencies they're going to intern at and turn in their option sheets, making their way to the training grounds for our afternoon hero class activity. At the end of hero training, I say goodbye to my friends and head home to my mom, mulling over my thoughts. Now that I think about it,  every time Aizawa talks about hero information in class, Percy, Nico and Will never seem as excited or interested as everyone else. They always have those grim, unimpressed, and kinda weary looks. Considering what Percy told us in class today, it's no surprise why anymore. They probably know all that already. It is rather sad though that where they're from, being a hero is something they don't have the option to not be. Maybe I can talk with the others to plan some sort of apology to them...

Shoutouts to:

 ZilchChaos00 & ZikoraStyx for suggesting Percy's hero name Maelstrom

kara94; ZilchChaos00Percywithwings; FuntimeBonBonGirl; Pjo_Fangirl27; Bookwyrmeeeeeee; Deawy_love_oreos; youseethisgonpachiro; ZikoraStyx; Lavender_Tea001 & Imapotatolikekiddo2 for suggesting Nico's hero name Ghost King

youseethisgonpachiro for suggesting Will's hero name Iatrós

And thanks again to everyone else who put suggestions in the comments! ^w^

Peace out - DnDArchitect

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