Hero Names and Internships?

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Thx to everyone who submitted hero name suggestions.

Reminder: if dialogue is like this: "blah blah blah", it's them speaking in Ancient Greek.

Percy's P.O.V.

I was so lost in thought wondering how  everyone at camp was doing, I almost didn't hear Aizawa's announcement.

"Alright everyone, quiet down. Today we'll be talking about your upcoming hero internships. Since your class did well at the sports festival yesterday, a few of you got internship offers from hero agencies who were impressed by your skills and performance. Those of you who didn't get offers will still have to to the internship with one of the agencies that have agreed to take on students who didn't get offers." He hands out sheets of paper to everyone, the classroom buzzing with excitement. Will, Nico, and I however just exchange looks of confusion, skepticism, and mild discomfort. 

"He's joking right? There's no way he expects us to participate in this," Nico scoffs.

"I'm not too keen on it either Nico, but just remember what I said about respecting the way they view heroes. Besides, this might be a good opportunity to see what else is going on in the city and beyond that could link to the ominous stranger and see if we can find more clues about them and what their plans are,"  Will rations. Nico rolls his eyes. Up at the front of the classroom, Aizawa calls for quiet.

"Since you'll be accompanying the Pro Heroes of your chosen agencies during the entire week of your internships, you're going to need decide your codenames before your internships, which we're going to do today."

Excited chatter broke out. 

"Quiet!" Aizawa calls over the noise. "Now, to make sure your codenames choices are appropriate, Pro Hero Midnight will be determining who's codenames are appropriate and who's codenames need to be re-thought." He gestures to a lady in a white, skintight bodysuit with thigh-high, dark purple socks, knee-length black boots,  a black swimsuit-like thing with the top cut off with a black strap embedded with red  gemstones connecting it to her collar. she also wore a utility bet decorated with gold studs and a large, gold lined buckle in the shape of a pentagon. In her hand she held a red, multi-threaded whip which she brandished at us, a grin on her face.

"That's right! Once you think of the name you want, write it on the whiteboards we'll hand out to you all in a minute and come to the front to share with the class and get it approved by me." She hands a stack of small whiteboards and dry erase markers to Tenya and Momo who pass them out to the excited class. Everyone chatters about what they want their 'hero names' to be. Everyone, except Nico, myself, and Will. I could sense Nico becoming more and more irritated and so could Will, who started rubbing circles in Nico's back.

"Calm down love, calm down." 

"Hero school, costumes, and now this? These people are morons. I can't believe Hermes expects us to work with them to eliminate the threat endangering both our worlds," Nico hisses. The room's temperature drops as Nico's anger grows. I could see shadows starting to writhe in the corners of the room. if that wasn't bad enough,  the other students and the teachers were starting to notice something was wrong.

"Come on man, you need to calm down," I say, glancing around at the others who were starting to look at us. Will keeps rubbing circles into Nico's back, muttering soothing words in hopes to calm his seething boyfriend.

Aizawa's P.O.V.

As the students start chattering about what they want their hero names to be, I suddenly sense a dark, profound anger emanating from one side of the room while also noticing that the room's temperature was starting to drop and that the room's shadows were starting to move. Already suspecting what the source is, I look towards where the anger seems to be coming from and sure enough, Di Angelo had a dark look on his face, glaring down at the white board while his boyfriend rubs circles in back and mutters things to him while Jackson says something to him in that foreign language of theirs, glancing around nervously. The other students and Midnight had also noticed something was wrong and I quickly make my way to their group of desks, the other students looking on with concern and confusion.

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