Chapter 1

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        Mintpaw followed Jayfeather to the medicine den. After the battle against ShadowClan and RiverClan, Jayfeather had been too busy to talk to her about how she knew something was happening with Leafpool and Sandstorm. The Clan had been devastated by their deaths. Mintpaw was relieved when the battle patrol came back, just as Jayfeather was about to lead her to his den, after he sat with Leafpool and Sandstorm for a while. But she knew she wouldn't get out of telling him, and now he was leading her to his den.

Jayfeather sat down in the back of the den, and Mintpaw sat next to him. "How did you know about Sandstorm and Leafpool?" He asked. Mintpaw had decided to tell Jayfeather the truth. He was the medicine cat, so he should be able to help her, right?

"Hollyleaf told me. A little while back I was given a prophecy. Beware the breeze that seems to be good, for even the mighty lion is in danger." Mintpaw paused, seeing if Jayfeather had anything to say, but when he didn't, She continued. "For a few sunrises, Hollyleaf had been telling me that the breeze is close, and I had no idea what it meant. And yesterday, Hollyleaf said that the breeze was here, and that it was too late, her scent was leading towards the medicine den, so I followed, but when I got in there, Leafpool and Sandstorm were dead."

"If Hollyleaf told you this, then it must be serious. In another prophecy I had, a dark breeze was mentioned, and it referred to Breezepelt" Jayfeather pondered, his blind eyes staring at nothing. "I wonder if that's what she means."

"Maybe you could speak with StarClan about it?"

"I think we need to tell Lionblaze, Dovewing, and Bramblestar." He suggested. Mintpaw shuffled on her paws, not knowing if she wanted to share the prophecy to anyone who didn't need to know.

"I understand why we would tell Bramblestar, but why Lionblaze and Dovewing too?"

"Lionblaze is your father, and Dovewing is your mentor. And me, Lionblaze and Dovewing were all part of a prophecy too, so they would be able to help you with it." Mintpaw thought about he had said for moment before answering.

"Okay, you can tell them, but nobody else. I should go, I'm probably needed for a patrol." Jayfeather nodded as she walked out of the den.

"Mintpaw! Were going on a hunting patrol!" Dovewing called out to her when she appeared in the clearing. Before she ran over to her, Jayfeather appeared behind her and pressed his muzzle against her ear.

"Tell Dovewing when you're on patrol." He hissed, before disappearing back into his den. Mintpaw nodded and bounded over to her mentor.

The other cats on the patrol were Dustpelt, Spiderleg, and Lilyshade. They walked out into forest, and Mintpaw looked up. The sun was high in the sky, leaves were yellowing, and starting to fall, signaling that the end greenleaf. A leaf swirled down from above, and Mintpaw leaped to swat it out of the air, and pinned it to the ground with a satisfying crunch.

Dovewing looked at her and opened her mouth to speak, but Mintpaw interrupted her.  "I was practicing what I would do to catch a bird." Dustpelt looked approvingly at her, then spoke.

"Mintpaw, where do think we should hunt?" Mintpaw thought for a second, then gave her answer.

"I think we should hunt by the WindClan border. Any prey might be getting thirsty about now."

"Good Idea, Mintpaw!" Dovewing called to her.

The patrol continued through the trees, towards the WindClan border.  They got to the border stream and split up. Spiderleg, Dustpelt and Lilyshade were together, leaving Dovewing and Mintpaw alone. Once they were out of earshot, Mintpaw spoke up.

"Dovewing, I need to tell you something." Mintpaw started nervously. And Dovewing nodded for her to move on. "Well, A few moons ago, Hollyleaf visited me in a dream, and she gave me a prophecy." Mintpaw explained the rest to Dovewing, and she just nodded, waiting for her to finish explaining to speak.

"Sounds like there's trouble coming. I think lion means Lionblaze, and if this threat can't even be defeated by him, then it must be big. If you find out anything else, please tell me, I won't tell anyone else, and prophecies are tricky to figure out." Dovewing looked at her, and Mintpaw was glad she had a cat as caring and understanding as Dovewing. "Now we need hunt, or we'll get our ears ripped off by Dustpelt if he finds we didn't catch anything" Dovewing said as she moved towards a bush which had the strong scent of mouse drifting from it.

Warriors: Return of the Breeze Book 2- The BetrayalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon