Chapter 7

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Hollystrike woke in a green clearing. She wasn't in the Dark forest like she expected. The sky was filled with stars and trees swayed in the gentle breeze. A black she-cat with stars in her fur appeared at the far side of the clearing, and padding over to Hollystrike. The she-cats bright green eyes seem to pierce through her fur, disapproving of what she has done.

"Hollyleaf?" Hollystrike mewed.

"Yes." Hollyleaf replied. "I gave you a prophecy, but you have done nothing about it. A war will break out, between the light and the dark, and only when three destinies collide will the clans be safe." She meowed urgently.

Hollystrike could guess that the prophecy meant that there would be war between the Dark Forest and StarClan, but she knew that already. I must be one of the three destinies, otherwise Hollyleaf would be talking to some other cat, not me.

"Who are the other two?" She asked. Hollyleaf thought for a moment before answering.

"I can't tell you, but you have to hurry to find them."

"I'd find them a lot faster if you would just tell me who they are!" Hollystrike argued.

"I can't tell you, Hollystrike! StarClan has their reasons for making you find them yourself!" Hollyleaf growled back, her tail twitching with anger.

"You could at least give me a hint!?! How do you expect me to find two random cats? It could be any warrior, elder, kit or apprentice! I'll just go up to any cat and say, 'Hey, are you by any chance part of very secret prophecy given by StarClan?"

"Fine!" Hollyleaf yowled. "The cats you are looking for are closer than you think. Don't disappoint them."

"That's it for a hint? How is that supposed to help!?!" She yowled back, but Hollyleaf had faded away, leaving Hollystrike standing alone in a forest clearing.


She opened her eyes, but instead of finding herself in her warm, soft nest like she expected, she was in a cold, dark forest clearing, with an angry Breezepelt standing over her. She stood up to face him.

"What took you so long?" He growled.

"StarClan had a 'prophecy' for me. It wasn't my choice to miss a night of training." At this, Breezepelt looked slightly amused.

"Good job on your assignment by the way." Breezepelt purred, as he brushed up against her. Hollystrike closed her eyes, savoring the moment. She felt whole when she was with Breezepelt, as if nothing in the world could be wrong, and she had nothing to worry about except that the moment will end. 

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