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My Crush

"Fuck off Jimin, I was going to sit next him first you bitch!" Taehyung cursed "too bad you were walking like a snail and I sat here first" the older stuck his tongue out.

The two were fighting over the seat next to Jungkook luckily said boy wasn't there yet. If he was the two probably would have be offering the chair to each other at the moment.

But since he wasn't so they where arguing like two little kids that want the last cookie from the cookie jar.
"I was not walking like a snail I was taking my time" Taehyung rolled his eyes and sat on the other table that was next Jungkook on the left, sure he would still be sitting next to Jungkook but there was still a gap.

Each table had two seats behind them meaning only 2 people could sit next to each other, Jungkook always sat on the second seat to the wall, so Jimin and Taehyung would always be able to sit next to him but only one of them would be able to sit on the same table as him.

It was something the boys always fought about, it was often the reason they arrived 30 minutes early for class. Although right now it was still lunch time the boys had come 10 minutes early. Just to get the seat.

"Taehyung, you taking your time is you walking like a snail" Jimin smiled, then his eyes moved to the door where Jungkook came in "omg! He's here" Jimin quietly squealed before straightening his top and turning to face the front before clearing his throat.

Taehyung just stared as Jimin prepared himself for Jungkook, then he sighed and turned to the front.

Just as he did Jungkook walked over and sat next to Jimin, the younger instantly greating him with a "hi" to which Jungkook responded with "hey what's up?".

The three were no strangers Jimin and Jungkook were friends just like Taehyung as Jungkook, though alot more went on behind the scenes with Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Nothing much" Jimin smiled, there was a small blush on his cheeks as he did, Jungkook nodded before turning to Taehyung and saying the same.

"Nothing much" Taehyung sighed, just like Jungkook had done for Jimin he nodded then turned back to Jimin.

The two began talking and Taehyung just watched until the teacher came, even then Jimin and Jungkook just whispered to each other while Taehyung tried his best to pay attention.

Though it wasn't easy when your crush isn't too far away and is giving all his attention to someone else.

~{My Crush}~

Soon classes were over just like school, Taehyung and Jimin rushed to Jungkook's side within seconds.

The two taking turns to ask Jungkook questions those being: "what are you doing now?" "Are you gonna hang out with friends?" "Are you gonna go straight home" "if you do hang out with freinds what are you gonna do?" And so much more.

Jungkook took his time answering ever question before he stopped walking. He sighed and then turned around, he pushed Taehyung and Jimin closer together.

Both boys blushing; though for different reasons, "like I just said I'm going home so you guys don't need to follow me" he smiled before turning back around and walking off.

Taehyung turned to Jimin "you shouldn't have come along" he rolled his eyes "oh please it's you who shouldn't have come along, we would have talked twice as much as we did in class if it wasn't for you" Jimin exclaimed before walking away.

Taehyung's eyes widened before he ran after Jimin "just what did you talk about?!" "Not telling you!" The younger stuck his tongue out.

<{>'Chapter 1'<}>

Hello! Yes I'm back with a new
Vmin story! Honesty can't get
enough of them! And yes this story
will probably be short!
Also the updating days are being
changed to every Tuesday

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