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They decided to take their next hunt to a small town in Indiana where four people had mysteriously disappeared. They were trying to interview people, but it just wasn't going the way they had hoped, or expected really. 

"Fairies?" Dean tried his hardest to not scoff. "Okay, well thanks for your input." He began to walk away, but stopped when Sam started talking. 

"What?" Sam didn't hold back on his scoff. "Flying saucers not insane enough for you?"

"Sam!" Ariel smacked his arm. 

"What newspaper did you say you were from again?" They lady they were interviewing asked. 

"If you want to add glitter to that glue you're sniffing, that's fine. But don't dump your whackadoo all over us. We'd rather not step in it." 

"Same!" Erin grabbed his arm roughly, and pulled him away from the woman. "What is wrong with you?" 

"It's a blood sugar thing." Dean told the woman as his way of apologizing. 

"yeah, he'll get a stern talking to. We're so sorry about that." Ariel added, walking back to the Impala with the others. 

"What?" Sam asked, confused as to why Erin was pushing him into the car. 

"What? Seriously? You have to ask?" Erin asked incredulously. "Oh wait. Yes, you do." Erin sighed, suddenly feeling the ache in her lonely soul much worse than before. 

"Look, I'm sorry, but this is all just a big joke, right?" Sam asked. 

"Okay, the UFO thing is definitely weird." Ariel agreed. "But we can't deny the fact that people have actually disappeared. So, just, like fake some empathy, alright?" 

Sam slumped back in his seat, crossing his arms. The ghost of a pout on his lips. "yeah, alright." 

They decided to split up, Sam and Erin staying to watch one of their suspects, while Ariel and Dean checked out the crop circles. 

Sam sighed and looked towards Erin. "Do we really have to stay here? All this guy has been doing is drinking." 

"Call Dean, see if he's got anything. We'll go from there." 

Sam pulled out his phone, dialing his brother's number. 

"Dean!" Ariel shouted hearing his phone ring. They decided to split up in a dark scary cornfield. So, of course they got lost. 

"UFO! UFO!" He started shouting, and running. 

"Dean!" She heard him screaming, but didn't see anything. "Dean!" Suddenly his screaming and rapid footsteps went silent. 

Sam hung up his phone. "I think Dean got abducted." Sam shrugged, pocketing his phone. 

"Abducted?" Erin exclaimed jumping from her spot. "What're we doing then? We need to go find him!"

"We could." Sam said, looking Erin up and down as she stood. "But I have other things in mind." The look he was giving her made her stomach explode with giddiness, and she let out a soft sigh. A couple minutes, wouldn't hurt, right?

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