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Erin had other plans other than helping on the hunt. She was going to try to figure things out on her own. That's how she found herself alone in the middle of a dark alleyway. 

"Balthazar?" She called out, softly. "Balthy?" 

"Ma moitié." Balthazar appeared in front of her, bathed in a golden light. Being as dramatic about his appearance as he possibly could, as per usual.

"Balthy!" Erin smiled, jumping into his arms to hug him.

"It's been so long." He hugged her back, holding her close. "What's the meaning for this meeting?" He pulled away looking at his surroundings. "Something tells me that it's not just because you missed me." 

"My location gave it away, huh?" Erin gave a sad smile, and kicked at a pebble on the ground. "The name Crowley mean anything to you?" 

Balthazar scoffed. "That wannabe Lucifer? Yeah. Why? Did you get into some trouble?" He knew better than to think she got into trouble. However, she was a Winchester now and where they went, trouble seemed to follow. 

"Well, yes and no." Erin started. "After Sam came back, he was, well, he was different. Turns out his soul didn't quite make it back with him and Crowley is keeping it hostage." 

"Ah yes. My brother has told me of his antics. If I remember correctly though, he had a soft spot for the ginger? I quite remember Cassie telling me that he was feeling jealousy for the first time because that stain was flirting with her." Balthazar seemed to inspect his nails while he spoke, almost sounding bored. 

"Yeah, but Ariel doesn't know I'm talking to you about this. When it comes to Crowley, she gets so polluted." Erin shook her head. "I need your help." 

"With Sam's soul? Sorry kid, there isn't' really much I can do to help with that." Balthazar shrugged. 

"Wait, what? That's it?" Erin asked, her lips parted in shock. 

"Doll, I'd really really love to help. I hate to see you hurting so, but I just don't have the mojo to pull off something like that." He put his hand on her cheek. "I'm really sorry, ma moitié." 

Erin closed her eyes and sighed. She wouldn't ever admit it, but she was relishing in the soft contact. Everything with Sam now was just so rough, and while she wasn't necessarily complaining, she just wanted to be held. She wanted to be held, and loved, and looked after instead of just having a near constant onslaught of rough bangs. Erin pulled back and looked at the man with wide eyes as a sudden idea started forming in her mind. "What about Castiel? Between you and Cas, don't you think you'd have the mojo to fix this?" 

Balthazar sighed, his features suddenly looking saddened. He really wanted to give her some good news. "That's a long shot. I wouldn't tell anyone, especially not Ariel. But I think little Cassie is going off the rails. This whole Heaven being in a war thing is really getting to him. I don't think he'd slow down, even if the featherbanger offered him eternal blowies." 

"Can you just ask? I'm getting desperate here, Balth." She asked, not actually knowing the gravity of the situation Castiel was finding himself in. She began to back away, knowing she had to get back to the motel before everyone else did. She had only managed to stay behind claiming she had a terrible migraine. 

"I'll see what I can do. Until next time, ma moitié." 

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