Chapter XXIII: Unmasked

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“Oh, Madam Mina, by that love, I implore you, help me!” -Bram Stoker, Dracula

Chapter XXIII: Unmasked

We all have moments in life when we question ourselves. We question our choices, our thoughts, our feelings and our behaviour. We question whether we are doing the right thing or making a mistake. We question our heart and where it leads us. We question everything- all because we are afraid of getting hurt, disappointing someone or being wrong.

But what we keep forgetting is that life is about making as many mistakes and risks as possible. It isn’t about being perfect, or right all the time. It’s about learning and growing and being comfortable with the person you are.

Because life is too short to be questioning ourselves.

I’ve been trying too hard and for too long to avoid making mistakes, to avoid heartbreak and to avoid pain. I’ve been questioning why I doubt my love for Erik, and I’ve been questioning what on Earth has possessed me to have feelings for Drake. But I can’t keep doing that to myself anymore. It’s too exhausting and pointless.

I’m going to stop being insecure and start being confident and not taking everything so seriously. What will be will be. Because if there is one thing I’m sure of, it is that our experiences are what shape us and make us stronger.

So I’m going to be honest with myself from now on and face what it is that I’m most afraid of- giving into the worst parts of myself, the parts that crave a little darkness and danger, the parts that are drawn to a twisted man. Because if I don’t face them, then how will I ever fight them, conquer them and move on?

I couldn’t.

A weight lifts from my shoulders and a sigh of relief escapes me lips. I feel freer and happier and more like my old self then I ever have before in this castle. It’s amazing what a little self-discovery can do for the soul.

Feeling better after my quarrel with Erik, I get up from the bed, walk to the chest of drawers and pull out a light purple dress. Today Heath is taking me to the art gallery, and I’m genuinely excited about it.

After slipping out of my pyjamas and into the dress, I head into the bathroom and begin to brush my hair. It’s so long now- almost to my hips. When all the knots are gone and the strands flow in waves down my back, I sit back on the bed and wait patiently for Heath.

What cheeky nicknames will he come up with for me today? A small smile warms its way onto my face as I remember him calling me kitten. Such a harmless, endearing pet name given by such a strange, easy-going vampire. I’m so lucky he offered me his friendship and I decided to take it. How ever unlikely and unorthodox it may be, I don’t know where I’d be without it. 

I hear a knock on the door and then Heath strolls in, looking his usual cocky and relaxed self. He’s sporting a brown leather jacket, white under shirt, plain jeans and a full, megawatt grin- all teeth and dimples. He offers me his trademark wink and I can’t help myself from running into his awaiting arms. He lifts me from the floor and I try not to yelp as he spins me around. My head is still giddy when my feet touch the ground again, but I don’t mind.

“Why, you sure are happy to see me, kitten.” He holds me at arms length and his eyes scan me over. “And very pretty in that dress. Purple suits you.” I blush bashfully. “I mean it. It really goes with your black hair and your blue eyes.”

I narrow my eyes at him, pretending to be suspicious. “Do you want something? Usually people want something when they give me compliments.”

“What are you, the compliments police?” Heath laughs and I join him. “No, I don’t want anything at all… Besides you accompanying me on another adventure to the art gallery that is.”

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