Cover Competition (Prelonged to 2 more weeks)

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Hello my lovelies!!

I have decided to run a cover competition if any one is interested! You have 2 more weeks to put your super awesome ninja creative skills to the test and design me the most beautiful cover ever.

The brief:
-Dark, romantic and slightly erotic.

Must feature:
-Title (He Took Me in the Night)
-Author (Immortal_Rose)
-Genre (Dark Romance)

Doesn't sound too hard does it???

When you are done and happy with it, please upload it to Photo Bucket and send me a direct link!

Up to 45 covers will feature as an image on a chapter (obviously I haven't written that far ahead yet, so the best ones will feature on the pre existing chapters and then the rest on the new ones as I upload them.)

The best one of all will be my new cover.

Prizes (for the top 5)
-Dedications of chapters
-Reads, votes and comments on a book of their choosing
-A follow
-A chat session with me

What's not to like about that??? You have 2 weeks! So get started! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.


P.S The next chapter will be up in a week! It's already under way.

P.S.S I have been editing a lot so the story is now mistake free and I have also included more descriptions for the kissing scenes because I thought they needed some work. Check out 'Connected.' It's a lot more intense! You'll have to delete the story and upload it again to access it.

P.S.S.S If you haven't already noticed by now, I've decided to stick with the title HTMN. You guys are right. It is fitting for the story.

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