Chapter X: Desired

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“I could not resist the temptation of mystifying him a bit, I suppose it is some taste of the original apple that remains still in our mouths.” -Bram Stoker, Dracula

Chapter X: Desired

As I stare into the misty grey haze of his eyes, I find myself overcome by just how much emotion he’s radiating. I can feel it leaking from his pores, seeping into the air and settling on my nerve endings like the mist from my dreams. He’s just so handsome. I’ve always appreciated that, feared it even. But there’s something in his gaze that has all the anger receding from my body. I’m tired of hating vampires, of hating him.

“I forgive you,” I say, offering him a tired smile. I’m not angry anymore, just tired.

“You do?” He asks, his tone hopeful, but his eyes are still shadowed with pain. I nod my head. I’m sick of feeling resentful, like his victim. It’s time I take control and stop feeling sorry for myself.

“You look really worn down,” he says, as I rub my sore eyes and yawn loudly.

“I don’t know why,” I say honestly.

Its strange how time looses meaning here in the castle. I sleep during the day and sleep often, but I’m always so tired. My body clock must be really messed up.

“I don’t think it’s from the lack of sleep,” he says quietly, moving up the bed so he can rest a comforting hand on my leg. He sighs as he sees the goosebumps that prickle my skin. “You’re emotionally drained, Rose,” he tells me, sighing again. He pats my leg and gazes into my eyes, his face mysteriously dark and beautiful.

I watch contently as his hand leaves my leg and lands softly on my face. His fingers feel cold against my skin, but it’s a pleasant feeling, almost soothing. He peeks through his thick eyelashes at me, his black hair an attractive mess. I can’t deny that I’m attracted to him. But even if the impossible ever did happen between us (which it wouldn’t) I still don’t think I could ever get over Erik.

I can’t help but compare this brooding man who has hurt me to the amazing best friend back home who would do anything for me. Everything about my master emanates darkness and Erik is nothing if not kind. They are complete opposites. So why do I feel this bizarre pull towards this peculiar vampire? I must be loosing my mind.

“How could I make your time here more bearable? I know you will never be truly happy here, but I’m sure you don’t have to be completely miserable either,” master says, his smile small but honest.

“Could I see my family?” I ask. I know it’s futile to get my hopes up, but can you really blame me for asking?

“No you can’t,” he confirms. “But maybe you could spend some time with the other human girls here? You know, make a few friends? Maybe I could even take you out of this room tonight too? We could have dinner under the stone pillars facing the garden? Would you like that, Rose?”

I know he’s genuinely hopeful and that’s encouraging. He’s also extremely hot, which is even more encouraging. Or should I say distracting? I know I should say no, if I had any sense I would, but I find myself saying the complete opposite.

“Yes I’d like that,” I murmur.

“It’s settled then,” he says, rising from my bed with a strange triumphant expression on his face. He turns to me again and a huge smile lights up his face. His grey eyes are fooling me into thinking I’m safe with him. “I’ll be back in a minute,” he adds, before giving his back to me.

I sigh as I wonder what I’m getting myself into. I have to remind myself that he’s a deadly vampire and that he has hurt me not long ago. He said he was sorry, and for now I believe him, but actions speak louder than words. Only time will tell whether he truly means it.

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