chapter 20

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Chapter 20.

- Director, I came to send the wholesaler of the wholesaling contract to Tension Plaza - a young girl who opened the door step-by-step with the file in hand, this girl was one level below Minji.

- Okay, you just leave it at the other table, then go outside to close the door - Siyeon jerked her face towards the desk in the middle of the office, then pretended to write something, acting busy. The other girl complied and left. A clattering sound was heard as Siyeon left her chair and bent over to SuA.

- Okay, put me in here huh - Sua sulked.

- The dress is about to come apart, I absolutely can't let others see your body - Siyeon continued to pull SuA into a kiss, the director's desk is so big that the place under the table is enough for one person lying neatly, Siyeon pressed SuA down, took off SuA's skirt in half, undocked her inner shirt and pushed it up a bit, exposing her round breasts, she buried her face in it and licked.

SuA curled her body and moaned. Usually they work in very wide and open spaces, first experience in this narrow place, the light is dying, SuA's face escapes in the gaze, making Siyeon twice interested.

Also, obviously she is very hungry and wants to take SuA to the restaurant as scheduled, now all of a sudden the hunger is gone, leaving a pain in her lower abdomen, SuA exactly wants to seduce her, she is free do not refuse.

- Very well, you tried to lure me.

- What? Who knows - SuA is innocent and innocent.

- So why curled up and groaned like that? - Siyeon licked SuA's earlobes, clasped it, stroked her bottom with one hand, and rubbed her vagina outside her panties.

- Um ~~~… ..ahhhhh

- Do you love me? - Siyeon almost always asks SuA this question, especially during the climax.

- Are not.

- What? - The answer is not as expected, the old SuA was extremely obedient, whatever she ask to say, SuA says, but it's becoming more and more stubborn now. Siyeon was leaving a hickey on SuA's shoulder, hearing that reply was too much to bite the collarbone.

- Ayy - SuA did not complain of pain but groaned very gently, making Siyeon crazy.

- Say you love me quickly - Siyeon looked at SuA, her eyes full of lust.

- A ni - SuA pouted, eyes showing defiant expression. (anida is no)

- Baby, you die with me today - Siyeon took off the entire dress from SuA, took off SuA’s black bra and immersed her face in SuA's chest, the other hand slipped into SuA’s pants and messed around inside.

SuA wrapped her arms around Siyeon's head, pressing hard on her chest. Siyeon's office floor is lined with a very soft warm carpet, that's why Siyeon is not afraid to press SuA's body underneath.

Siyeon takes off SuA's doll shoes, removes her shoes, to roll over comfortable, she makes a trip from top to bottom, her tongue works continuously, licks and sucks again, then kisses again, leaving SuA's white and pink skin stains red, mixed with red lipstick. Siyeon nuzzled her face into SuA's armpits, licked a circle and then walked down SuA's ribs, she knew what the scent of perfume SuA was using, because she used to choose scent and buy for SuA, but when her tongue and her nose touched to each skin of SuA, it has a completely different taste, surely this is the smell of SuA's own body, Siyeon could not bear it.

- Baby, if you don't love me, who do you love, only I can make you satisfied like that, right? - Siyeon confidently said, her tongue touched SuA's navel, drew many shapes on the area, then looked up at SuA, then pulled SuA into a nonstop kiss, wrapping SuA’s tongue like she didn’t want to break, on SuA’s forehead started to show sweat drops because of her, breathing a lot. Siyeon stopped the kiss and then silently looked at SuA again, her hands still caressing the lower part of SuA’s panties, her eyes becoming more and more soft, looking at the beauty below, showing a satisfied expression, she smiled decisively. Siyeon touched her nose to SuA's nose, closed her eyes a little, SuA was still moving her body, eyes also closed tightly.

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