Chapter 6: Thanksgiving

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"Hey, 'Lena! Can you help decorating the living room?" Jeremy calls me. I am currently in the kitchen helping Tyler prepare the turkey, but we are as good as done here anyway. I look at Tyler. He nods to me and says: "If Jer needs help, you can go if you want. I can easily make the salad on my own. And if I let you help me with the punch I'd have to tell you the secret recipe which is not gonna happen anyway."
During his last sentence, he starts grinning.

I nod back at him smiling and go to the living room where Jeremy has  apparently declared war to the decorations. It looks like they are winning, so I step in and free my brother from the garlands which have him tangled up pretty badly by now.

It seems like a miracle, but we actually manage to get the apartment and the food ready before the guests arrive. And I am so excited to see them! Matt and Vicky come. Tyler's cousin Mason who starts flirting with Vicky once he gets here. Jeremy's High School friend Davina. And the best of them all: Bonnie!

As soon as she comes walking through the door, I run to her and hug her like there is no tomorrow

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As soon as she comes walking through the door, I run to her and hug her like there is no tomorrow. I am just realizing now how much I missed her.
"Bon! It's soo good to see you!" I say, almost tearing up.

"Well, hello to you too!" she smiles and returns my hug. "I'm happy to see you too. And look who I brought."

Bonnie gestures behind her, where a young man enters the apartment, following her. I recognize him. Kai Parker. Bonnie's boyfriend since college. I greet him warmly. It has been difficult keeping in touch with Bonnie after we both moved to different cities after college and barely saw each other. We now live quite far away from each other and are both working on our careers. But that doesn't mean we don't like each other anymore. We may not see each other often, but when we do, we are always over the moon and sit together for hours talking and having a good time together. Today will be a great Thanksgiving.

Dinner is delicious. The turkey is just right and Tyler's punch really is the best. We talk about our lives. Bonnie just started teaching at a school in Portland, Oregon. That's where she is living with Kai at the moment. They are considering moving to the East Coast eventually, but for now, Kai wants to stay in Oregon because of his mother. She has cancer and probably will not be around for much longer, so Bonnie understandingly agreed to stay with him in Oregon.

Mason is being his regular self. He works as a lifeguard in Florida and is an incurable womanizer. Davina is almost finished with college. She tells us that she wants to work in a museum after that, which would be fitting, since she is majoring in history.

And Matt and Vicky are living their lives in New York like always, Matt with his bar and Vicky with her work as a probation worker. A stressful job in New York, but Vicky is tough and handles it like a pro.

I met Vicky in college. We had some seminars together, since our studies were alike. During our time at college, we were more acquaintances than friends, but after we both came to live in New York, we grew closer. Through her, I met her brother Matt, who is a totally sweet guy.

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