Chapter 17: All My Love

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Elijah's PoV

Over the last months, Elena's abdomen has grown. Her pregnancy is clearly visible now. The doctor said she is due any day now. Sometimes she says she is feeling... unpleasant to look at. But I always tell her how wrong she is about that; she looks exquisite, especially with her pregnancy. Our baby is growing and moving a lot. The first time my wife grasped my hand and placed it on her tummy, I could feel my heart throbbing with anticipation. And there it was. I could feel the baby - my baby! - move inside my wife's womb. Words could not possibly describe the joy and love I felt in that moment.

This moment still gives me joy wherever I am. Even now, when I am in a rather dull management meeting. Our company is still going well, but we are trying to constantly improve our ways, as always. At the moment, we are discussing the plan for our next conference. Our chief of staff, Vincent Griffith, is currently telling us about the organization. I listen as attentively as I can.

"The main conference will be held in the big hall. After the first presentations, we will have a break and then split into groups selected according to work department. Those groups will go into different rooms for their input about their respective fields of expertise. Meanwhile, we will have coffee and snacks in the lobby for everyone attending the conference. The caterers have already been organized, but we still need to see that each group room is provided with the equipment they need." Vincent explains.

"I am sure we will have that under control." I say, "I suggest we give that task to Mr Forbes. He knows his way around our equipment and his capabilities are more than sufficient. As soon as he has the providings planned out, we can have some of our assistants help him arrange it. Given the number of groups, I believe he should have about six people help him with the arrangements."

My father nods. "Good idea. I am sure Bill will do a quite satisfactory job, as always. Now, Vincent, is there any equipment of ours that needs reparations or replacement?"

Vincent answers him, but I get distracted. My phone buzzes. I take it out of my jackett and look at the screen. There, I see a message I have been waiting for for days now.

Without further ado, I stand up, hurry out of the room and down the stairs to my car.

Just as I fasten my seatbelt, my phone buzzes again, this time because of a call I am receiving from my father. I decide to take the call. He has a right to know, after all.

"Elijah, what the hell are you doing? You can't just run out of an important meeting like that!" he scolds me, sounding very displeased.

"Father," I reply, "I know this meeting is important, but what I am doing here is more important. In fact, I don't think there is anything on this earth that could be more important right now."

For a moment, he is silent. Then: "So it's time then?"
His boice is now no longer angry. He sounds hopeful, joyed.

And I gladly confirm his hopes.

"Yes, it's time. Elena has gone into labour. I am about to become a father!"


Two and a half hours later, I am sitting next to my Elena in a hospital holding her hand and telling her to breathe just like we were taught in this birth class we attended.

She squeezes my hand as another wave of pain hits her body. "Aah! Elijah, why is this taking so long, shouldn't the baby be coming now?"

"Patience, my darling, the doctor said it's not time yet. You're currently at seven centimeters, so we still have to wait for three more until the birth can procede." I explain in an attempt to soothe her.

She kicks the end if the hospital bed with one leg. "We have to wait for three more centimetres? Bullshit! I have to wait for those freaking centimetres!! You don't, you just sit there and do nothing!"

"Darling, you know very well that there's nothing I can do about that. If I could take your pain away, I'd do it in a heartbeat!" I reply.

Elena lets out a deep breath and gives my hand another squeeze, a gentle one this time. "I know, I'm sorry honey. It's just- it hurts. So much. And it's taking so long, I've been here for almost three hours and all we do is wait!"

I softly caress her head and kiss her knuckles. "I know, my love, I know. It's okay, I'm here. I'll be here for you all the way." She nods.

I keep my word, of course. Throughout the next two hours, I never leave my wife's side for even a second. I hold her hand, caress her head, kiss her every now and then.

Rebekah, Kol and Henrik have joined us. Niklaus and Aurora promised to come as soon as they could and my parents are too busy with their work. I assured them that their presence is not necessary. Mainly because I am fairly certain my wife does not want them here, but I refrained from mentioning that.

After almost five hours of labor, the doctor finally tells Elena to start pushing. She squeezes my hand again and obeys.

Now, things suddenly go fast. Only a few minutes later, our little daughter is born and lets us all hear her first adorable baby cries.

My heart is humming in my chest, singing with happiness as I look at this small, sweet and beautiful bundle of joy in my wife's arms. I have one of my own arms wrapped around my wife and I cannot stop looking at our baby. My Elena is beaming as widely as I am probably right now. She looks tired, but so happy. Gently, she rocks our newborn little angel in her arms and watches her in adoration.

Tenderly, as if she could break from a stronger touch, I caress my daughter's cheek. "Hello my little princess. I'm your Daddy. And I love you so, so much."

"So do I. We both love you more than the world. You're our little baby girl." Elena whispers in awe and kisses our daughter's forehead.

I kiss Elena's head. "Listen to your Mommy, sweetheart, she speaks truth."

Hearing my words, my wife leans back for a moment resting her head against my chest. I squeeze her slightly and kiss her again.

"Guys, she is sooo beautiful!" Rebekah says and comes to stroke her little cheek too.

After our little angel arrived, she shortly left the room in order to get Kol and Henrik. My two youngest brothers had chosen not to be in the same room in such an intimate moment. Now, they have come back and look at the newborn baby in Elena's arms, delighted.

Henrik leans over the bed and gazes at his new niece with big, admiring eyes. "Wow, she's totally cute! What's her name?"

"I think we'd all like to know that." Kol, who is stroking his niece's fingers with one of his own, says.

My Elena looks at me and smiles. Choosing a name has indeed been a long and difficult process, but we decided eventually.

She gives me an encouraging nod. "Her name is Joelle. Joelle Mikaelson." I proudly declare.

Rebekah beams. "Aww, little Joelle! You're gonna be such a princess, sweetie! Your Auntie Bekah loves you to bits!"

"We all do." Kol says and gives us a warm and genuine smile. Something we do not see very often, but this time, I know he means it.

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