Chapter 13: Changes

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"You want what?" Mikael asks us in disbelief. He and Esther are sitting opposite Elijah and me in Mikael's big office in their mansion.

Elijah meets his father's glare with determination. "I'm certain you heard me. I wish to move out of this house with my wife and take a four weeks vacation right away."

"And I'm quitting my job at the foundation, Esther. I'm sorry and I'll definitely keep supporting your foundation, but this paperwork job is not what I want. I want to work in an orphanage. That's what I learned to do in college and it's what I wanna do. Don't worry though, I'll still be working for you for another two months after my vacation, so we'll have more than enough time to find a replacement." I add.

"This is unspeakable!" Esther says, fuming with anger. "Have you two lost all senses? Where is your respect for this family?"

Elijah takes my hand under the table. I give it an encouraging squeeze to let him know I am here for him.
"We are quite sure about our decision, mother."

Mikael presses his lips together. "May I ask what brought this on?"

"You may. Father, for the last three years, Elena and I have been living in your house, working for you and neglecting our own lives. We are no children anymore, father. We want to build our own life, have our own place and one day, our own children. Surely, you can understand that." Elijah answers.

For a long while, Mikael is silent, probing us. Then, he says: "Yes, I understand. Honestly, I thought you would have done this a long time ago. It's about time. About your request, I will let you have your vacation. Given the fact that you haven't gone on a vacation in almost two years, I can't deny you your right for one. However, I still need you to come to the office tomorrow one last time before you go. After all, I'm gonna have to find a way to make sure the company doesn't suffer too much from your absence."

Elijah nods. "I understand. Thank you, father. And mother...?"

We all look at Esther. She exchanges a look with her husband and sighs. "I suppose there's no stopping you. Well then, enjoy your vacation." she finally says.

Elijah and I exchange a look. I start beaming. We are actually doing this! And even my parents-in-law are letting us go!

I can't help myself. I get up, quickly walk around the table and hug Esther and Mikael who are both still sitting.
"Thank you so much, you two!"

Mikael pats my arm and nods while Esther forces a smile and my lovely husband stiffles a grin with his hand. I grin back at him.


Two days later

The afternoon has just begun when we arrive at our hotel in Jacksonville, Florida. Elijah picked it out. He said he wanted to take me on a surprise trip just like he did when we went on our first vacation together. Something that made me happier than I could describe.

We carry our luggage to our room. Once we're there, my husband walks over to me and embraces me.

"Hello there my darling. So, do you like our room?" he asks me in a low murmur.

I snuggle into his chest. "Yeah, I love it. But how on earth did you manage to find something like this on such a short notice?"

"I've been planning this surprise vacation for us for a few days now, actually." he answers. I look at him stunned. "I suppose I must have realized we could use something like this." he adds.

I kiss his cheek. "Well, this is definitely a great surprise. Thank you!"

"My pleasure, Elena. And, you know, the day isn't over yet." he murmurs into my ear. "What do you say? Would you like to go down to the beach with me?"

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