Chapter 14: Something New

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"Hey! You got something there. Let me get it..." Elijah says as he lifts his hand. Gently, he brushes his hand over my cheek while his thump wipes away the cream I had on my lower lip. He smirks as he keeps brushing his thump over my lip, tantalizing me. I smile and try to catch his finger with my mouth. At first, he pulls it away, but then, he lets me take his finger into my mouth. I suck the cream from his finger and then run my tongue along it as he caresses the inside of my mouth with it.

He smirks. "Hmm, looks like someone's still hungry. And you know what? Now that I think of it, I think I am too." he says, still smirking, and leans over to me in order to kiss me again. I smile into our kiss and pull my husband closer to me.

We have hardly left the bed since last night and it is almost 2pm. Not that I mind. In fact, I am enjoying every second of it. Elijah and I are going to enjoy our second little honeymoon here very much. And afterwards, we will still have more than a week to get ready for the Mikaelson's annual Easter celebrations. Another party, a brunch this time. But we'll survive.

In the evenings, we go to the beach. Sometimes, we go for a swim in the water then, but most of the times, we just walk along the beach holding hands, listening to the waves flooding the shore and watching the sunset. It's so peaceful here.

Today is our last day and we decide to go to a spa and get pampered. The message is so nice, I feel like a dozen pounds of tension leave my body all at once. Sighing, I take my husband's hand. "I wish we didn't have to leave tomorrow."

"Me too, darling. But if we didn't, you'd miss your interview at this orphanage you applied to." Elijah softly answers, caressing my hand. I just hum in agreement and go back to enjoying the message.

After a wonderful and relaxing vacation, my husband and I go back home. But instead of driving to the Mikaelson mansion like I thought we would, Elijah drives our car to a big beautiful house full of nice apartments.

"Um, Elijah? What are we doing here?" I ask him, confused.

He looks at me and takes out a key. "This, my darling Elena, is where we are going to live for now. I rented an apartment in this building from an old friend of mine. He said we can have it for three months and afterwards, we can decide whether or not we want it permanently."

"O my god! I can't believe it! That's incredible! But, wait, when did you have time to do this? We spend, like, every minute of our vacation together and I didn't see you doing this!" I reply, still confused.

He gives me a small and somewhat regretful smile. "In truth, I started looking for a new place for us eversince I had this talk with Damon Salvatore. It made me see that we should've moved out of my parents' mansion years ago. I just wanted it to be a surprise for you, as a way to say I'm trying to make up for it. And as I said, if you don't like it, we have three months to find ourselves another place."

I happily hug my husband and hold him close. When I pull away again, I am beaming at him. "I say we go and have a look at our new place!" I say while emphasizing 'our new place' especially.

 "I say we go and have a look at our new place!" I say while emphasizing 'our new place' especially

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Our apartment is really nice and comfortable. It has three rooms, a bathroom, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and, best of all: a terrace. I like it immediately. Knowing my husband, he probably tried his best to consider my taste when he chose this apartment.

"This is beautiful, Elijah! We're gonna be really happy here, I'm sure of it!" I say to my husband and hug him.

He rubs my back. "I'm glad you like it. I do too. And when I think about us having this whole place for ourselves, I like it even more." he answers and grins at me.

I bite my lip and return his grin. Meanwhile, my hands travel to the hem of his shirt and play with it. With a wicked thought in mind, I tilt my head and say: "You know, since we're all alone here, noone would interrupt us if we wanna have some fun in here. The table looks pretty friendly, for example. Or perhaps the couch?"

With a playful smirk on his lips and a hungry look in his eyes, Elijah grabs my hips and pulls me to him until my body is flush against his.

"Now, that would be a really naughty thing to do, my darling. Very naughty..." he stops talking for a second in order to kiss me. When he pulls back again, his playful smirk has turned into a vicious grin.

"Let's do it." he says.

Greedily kissing and touching, we make our way to the couch, shedding our clothes on the way. I giggle as Elijah gently pushes me onto the soft cushions. Longingly, I reach for him and pull him on top of me. The feeling of his warm and firm body against mine is so good, I quickly lose myself in our passionate love-making.

The couch is very soft and comfortable, we decide to test it twice, just because we can. We learn a lot of things about our new apartment now. The lamp above the table makes the table a bit unpractical for our purposes, but the carpet is perfect for rolling around on it.

Later, when we finally make it to our bedroom, we are both so exhausted, that we just lay down and cuddle. My husband wraps an arm around me and kisses my forehead.

"So, after this thorough inspection, do you still like this apartment?" he teasingly asks.

I giggle. "Yes, I do."

"Good. So do I. I actually think its biggest perk is that we can do as we please in here. No parents, no siblings. Even though I must admit I'm still looking forward to the Easter Brunch. I think it's always nice." Elijah says.

I nestle my head into the crook of his shoulder and caress his belly with my hand. "You know, maybe I'll enjoy it this year too. Since I don't have to help organizing it. Plus, Esther agreed to invite Jeremy. Even though she kinda looked like she was choking on her own words when she told me."

A diabolical grin spreads over my husband's face. I know that look. It means he had his hands in this. I give him an expectant look, silently asking him to tell me what he did.

Finally, he says: "I may or may not have teamed up with Niklaus and spend an afternoon talking to my parents about how hurt and disappointed Jeremy was when they didn't invite him for Thanksgiving. How important family is and that I myself were considering to spend Easter with you and your brother this year rather than with them. At some point, mother begrudgingly agreed. However, she also threw us out after she did in order to make a phone call. I'm quite certain she called the caterers and told them to make non-alcoholic punch this year."

Now I have to grin too. I can literally see Esther doing just that in my mind.

"That sounds really interesting. Even though..." I stop myself and look at him. He raises his eyebrows in question.

"Would you actually have spend Easter with me and Jer instead of going to that brunch?" I finish my question.

"That depends. Does Jeremy still celebrate at that awful club with all those weed-smoking artists?" he asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"Hmm." he hums and slightly grimaces in displeasure, but says nothing more.

I smirk. "No, you wouldn't have." I say teasingly. He turns his head in my direktion and cocks an eyebrow. "My dearest Elijah, I know exactly that you don't like that club where Jeremy celebrates and I know you love your parents' Easter Brunch. No way you would've missed it. Which means you tricked your mother into inviting Jeremy with a bluff." I say, giggling a bit now.

My husband pulls me closer to him and cradles me to his chest. "You know, I think there's no need to go into the tedious details. She did invite him and that's what matters." he says.

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