Chapter 8: Silence

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When I come home, I find Elijah in his study.


Silence. My husband ignores me.

"Elijah, please, talk to me! Yell at me, shout, ask me what was going on, anything!" I plead.

He turns to me. "And what, pray do tell, should I say? I just found my wife having some private time with another man. Do you think I would be happy?" he sounds incredibly disappointed.

I sigh. "It's not like that. I just needed to talk to someone."

He gets up and glares at me. "You and I literally live in the same house! You could have come to me! You should have come to me!"
His voice is deep and cold as he says those words. He is almost growling.

"I didn't-"

"No! Do not say another word! Not now!" he interrupts me. I look at him anxiously. He takes a deep breath, then collects himself and sits down at his desk again.

Without looking at me, he says: "Leave this room now. And don't wait for me when you go to bed. I will be sleepimg in a guest room tonight."

I want to say something, anything. But the look he gives me signals a clear warning. I am too scared to say something. Too scared that maybe if I do even though he asked me not to, he might lose his temper. I do not know if our relationship can be fixed completely, but I want to believe it. Right now, he is in an angry state and I decide not to provoke him.

On my way to a quiet room, I bump into Klaus.

"Hey! What happened? You look rather stressed." he says, his voice surprised and mildly concerned.

" he says, his voice surprised and mildly concerned

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"I -I'm okay." I say and quickly walk away. I go to the bathroom, because it is the only room I can lock up and cry in without anyone disturbing me. I run through the house, hoping not to meet anyone else on the way, because I do not want anyone to see me cry and ask questions.

I quickly storm into the bathroom, shut the door and lock it behind me. Now I am alone with my thoughts. I run my fingers through my hair. My thoughts are running wild, battling with my emotions. I go to the sink and lean over, steadying myself with my arms on both sides of the sink. I look into the mirror. The woman looking back at me seems like a stranger. Three years ago, she was full of joy and happiness, enjoying life to the fullest, completely in love with Elijah Mikaelson. Now, she looks tired. Exhausted. And scared. What if Elijah decides to divorce now?

Sighing, I sit down in the bathtub. I think back to our first little holiday as a couple. Back then, holidays meant fun and romantic time for us, not drama and hurt.


We had been together for almost four month when Elijah asked me to go on a trip with him. I said yes with enthusiasm and asked him where we might go.

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