Chapter 1: The Ball

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Three years later

I wake up to the sound of the alarm clock. Elijah next to me stretches, yawns and then rolls over to me. With one arm around me, he kisses me.
"Good morning, darling." he whispers with a smile. He always gives me a kiss in the morning. I want to snuggle into his chest, but he draws back after giving me my good morning kiss.
"Morning, 'Lijah. Are you very busy today?"
My question is partly rhetorical. I know he is. He is almost always busy. And when he isn't, he spends a great time with his family. 'His family' often includes me, but I would really like to have more time alone with my husband.

He gives me a glance over the shoulder.
"Yes, I'm afraid I am quite busy today. But worry not, we will definitely see each other later. After all, tonight is the ball." he adds with a smile.

Right. The ball. The Mikaelson family celebrating their company's anniversary with a ball tonight. Everyone who is anyone in this town is invited, plus some famous and prestigious extra guests from elsewhere. The Mikaelson family has to look powerful and perfect in every way, as always.

So much has changed during the last three years. Bonnie and I are still in contact sometimes, but she moved to Oregon, so I do not see her often. Rebekah and I live in the same house, so we see each other a lot. Although I really like her, living with her can sometimes be a little too much. I mean, she is amazing, but she is also a diva and whenever Elijah and I have a fight, she always picks his side. That really is not good for our friendship.

Which brings me to the main problem. My husband and I still live in the family mansion of his parents. At first, I thought it was okay, since we had nowhere else to stay, but Elijah has a good job, I make enough money too and it's been three years. I was hoping we would eventually move out and find our own place, but every time I mention it, I am being accused of wanting to risk damaging the family's reputation and being inconsiderate.

I sigh. When did I get so melancholic and cynical?

During the day, I organize the paper work of the Mikaelson Charity Foundation. Going along with my parents-in-law's wishes, I joined the foundation after my wedding. I have been mainly helping out with the paper works ever since. It's not like I wanted things to go in my life. I wanted to work with orphaned children, give them a home and be there for them. But this foundation helps funding children's homes. It is for a good cause and they needed someone for the paper works, so I stepped up. Anything for this family, as always.

When the evening comes, I am still in no mood for a ball, but I bring myself to go anyway. Rebekah and I go together to the hairdresser in the afternoon and choose our ballgowns. She still has great taste, so we agree on our choices quite quickly. One more thing that never changed.

The ball is grand. So many people wearing beautiful, expensive dresses and suits are standing in the massive ballroom. They are socializing. I dutifully join them.

First, I meet the mayor of New York, Dame Carol Lockwood. She is a glamorous elderly woman and greets me with a smile.

"Elena, dear, how are you doing? You look beautiful tonight!" she says.
"Thank you, Madam Mayor. You're looking very pretty yourself. And I am doing well, thank you for asking. I hope, you are too?"

"I am doing well too, thank you. Only my son has me worried. I wish he was more responsible, like you! But no, he just keeps to himself. And he wouldn't even come home. He still lives with that artist, can you believe it?! I mean, if that boy wants to spend his life painting, please, but my son should have more taste."

I begrudgingly keep myself from yelling at her. She says that to me every time we see each other. She knows very well that this artist her son lives with is my brother. But she also knows I won't oppose her in her opinion. I did, once. And it brought me a lot of trouble with my parents-in-law and a huge fight with my husband. So, I've gotten used to putting on a smile and socialize with people like Mayor Lockwood all evening.

So I reply diplomatically: "Yes, Ma'am, I heard. Well, I'm sure Tyler will figure out what is best for him. Most people do when they grow up." She gives me a fake smile.

After a few more shallow conversations with some more rich, snobbish people, the Mikaelsons gather on the grand staircase. As they all stand there, overlooking the crowd, I can almost physically feel their power radiating from them. They are presenting themselves as a united front, looking down on everyone else while smoothly playing the part of the perfect host.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. It is our greatest pleasure to welcome you all into our home, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our family's company." Esther begins the speech with grace.

Just as smoothly, Mikael continues: "Tonight, we celebrate all the success this company has had, all the people who worked so hard to accomplish it and all the joyful and educational experiences that went along with it as the company grew. We have come a very long way. Thank you all for sharing this special night with us."

And lastly, as the foreseen company's heir, Elijah ends the speech. "Now, we would like to ask you all to join us on the dancefloor. For the occasion, we have chosen a traditional Waltz. Please, everyone, find yourselves a partner. We hope you enjoy the dance as much as the rest of the evening."

As some applause comes from the crowd, Elijah comes to me. I'm standing at the bottom of the stairs, together with his youngest sibling, Henrik. Henrik is 15 years old. He is a nice teenager, a little careless sometimes, but not too careless. He smiles at us when my husband takes my hand in order to take me to the dancefloor with him.

I see several other couples walking towards the dancefloor as we arrive there. Esther and Mikael. My brothers-in-law with their partners including Niklaus with his wife Aurora, Finn with his wife Sage, Kol with his current affair (I do not know her name and I am honestly not sure he does), Rebekah with her date Alexander. Even Henrik is proudly walking towards the dancefloor. On his side, he has a pretty girl from his class with a happy smile on her face. I know he has been crushing on her for a while, so he was literally jumping around with joy when she agreed to be his date for tonight. Her name is April.

We have practiced this dance during the last few weeks until each of us would be a perfect Waltz dancer. Thus, we have no difficulties on the dancefloor.

The dance is a duty for me just like everything else this evening, but I enjoy it. I love to dance, but I know Elijah probably would not ask me to dance if it was not part of the planned evening.

And I am right. After the Waltz, Elijah continues with his socializing. No more dancing. When he joins me next, it is when his father makes a toast, to his thriving company. Elijah smiles and looks me in the eyes while clinking his glass to mine.

He looks content

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He looks content. And why would he not be? His family adores him, he has me and his career is going splendid. He does not know that I feel like an accessoire of this family, a bird in a cage. Not allowed to do anything at all without his parents' approval.

"Wow, you look shitty." I hear a voice say. I turn to see the speaker. A man with broad shoulders, black hair and striking blue eyes is standing in front of me. His eyes are looking me straight in the face.
"Excuse me?" I ask, perplexed.
"I said you look shitty. Like you're bored and don't wanna be here." he casually repeats.

I am stunned. This is the first time for someone on a Mikaelson party to be so direct and frank.

Now he smirks at me a little and extends a hand.
"Hey, wanna dance? You look like you could go with a distraction."

I chuckle. "So you're calling yourself a distraction?"

"Sure, why not. But you gotta admit, I'm a damn hot distraction."

I laugh. For the first time tonight, I am actually having fun. So, I take his hand and head towards the dancefloor with him.

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