Chapter 3: The Hidden Mist

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Samara went about delivering her goods and selling a few bottles of scented Silic Flower oils. A colorful flower, that only blossomed in the winter. By noon she had delivered everything and decided to buy the things needed at home.

Just as she was about to cross the road, she heard an all too familiar voice call from behind, "Theophilia!" 

She turned to see Naveen walking towards her, her pearly whites flashing and her blue eyes glinting and Samara happily returned a smile of her own. They were friends from childhood and although they hardly saw each other they were still as thick as thieves. They were once known as chocolate and chip. Naveen being chocolate because of her beautiful dark skin and Samara was chip. 

"What are you doing in town Naveen?" Samara asked once their tight embrace was broken.

"I was forced into collecting something for mom from Ms. Devine," Naveen revealed with a deep frown that made Samara chuckle, "what are you up to?" she cocked her head in the direction of a small grocery store across the street. "Going to do some shopping?" 

"Yeah, I need a few things, come on." 

They crossed the busy paved street together and Samara left Nix outside the store, he would be fine and so would the people who fearfully avoided walking close to the large Hound.

Dark Valley had evolved over the years in appearance.
From dirt roads, dark dank alleyways, carriages and horses, wood and board buildings, gas lamps and candles to paved streets with silver paint lining every side walk, electricity, cement and brown stone buildings, clean filtered water and food and money without trading. There were no cars or buses but rail cars and mobile sidewalks now covered with thick snow. It was far from being as lavish as other towns and cities but it was home.

As they opened the door to step inside, a little girl with crimson eyes and webbed fingers bummed into them. Dropping her bag of treats. 

A chorus of apologies rang out before the tiny Water Spirit spoke up.

"Oh, forgive this little one. I am in much of a hurry." 

Naveen bowed to the child awkwardly and Samara smiled at the embarrassing shade of red the little girl was turning. The child before her seemed to be no older than five but Samara knew the Water Spirits did not care much for age and her wise eyes was evidence enough that before them was no child.

"May I offer those a treat for forgiveness?" 

Samara waved her hands about and shoke her head, causing her hair to sway around her body, "Oh no, thank you but that-"

"Yes thank you very much, I've never had these before." Naveen sang, “Oh that blue one." She pointed to the child's hand.

Samara screamed at Naveen mentally but said nothing, she would take the candy out of respect but she had heard many stories before about never trusting Water Spirits. No matter how sweet and adorable they could seem. Of course she did not know this for a fact but she thought it would be best to be safe than sorry. Naveen, however, clearly did not mind.

After the Water Spirit bid them farewell Samara continued with her shopping but not before shaking Naveen's head like a bottle filled with coins, "Are you mad?"

"Alright, alright," Naveen pulled away from Samara's tight grip and fixed her coat that had slipped from her shoulders, "we are the same age woman, i'm not a child!" She mumbled ingidnantly as she secured her cloak, "shaking me like a rag doll."

Samara nodded at her with wide eyes before walking away, "Mm mhm, then don't act like one. Oh that blue one," Samara mocked.

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