Chapter 20: The Fallen

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“Uriel was the archangel of salvation but he was undeniably sneaky. He secretly carried decades of hatred for one who only retained love for him. He hated Seraphiel for her power, her authority and for the love God held for her. But God loved them all by the same token. Seraphiel simply possessed something others didn’t and so she was chosen. Uriel wanted her power and he wanted her dead. Angels who commit unutterable deeds such as killing a human or killing one of their own is casted out. They are striped of the things that make them what they are and they are casted to hell. So Uriel deliberated, how could he rid himself of this woman that stood above him without being caught and banished?”

Mr. Jones broke off as Nickolas entered the room. They were all grouped together in Mr. Jones’s tiny living room as he revealed the very events that had caused Samara’s life to now take a deathly dive.

After his unexpected eye opener about Samara being Seraphiel in reality, his house was plunged into a whirlwind of questions and upheaval.

Samara had shut down, she didn’t utter a word as Nickolas and Naveen plagued Mr. Jones with questions. Malic however, remained quiet. She knew that was just Malic being Malic but it was still quite peculiar, did he already know that she wasn’t just reincarnated? Or was he as shocked as everyone else? If he was there during the war this couldn’t all be a shock to him.

Nickolas took a pew on the arm of the chair Naveen was seated in as Mr. Jones continued, “This is when he contacted Mammon. The demon of greed, if no one would help him this demon surely would. So Uriel made a deal with Mammon that when Seraphiel was killed he would be given one of her feathers. An angel’s feather is a sacred objected, it alone contains immense power that not even I can fathom. So try to imagine the events that would play out if a feather from the Chief Seraphim
was given to a demon?”

Mr. Jones shook his head and muttered something in French under his breath.

“How can an angel be so evil in the first place?” Naveen asked more to herself. 

“Humans have to live with sin from birth. It is a parasite that will find you even if all you’ve had is one negative thought. This is the same for other beings and it vaguely applies to angels as well. Angels are pure creature but they are overly curious because they don’t possess most emotions lesser beings do. Such curiosity may cause them to act or think in ways unnatural to them which stems from boredom. This is not harmful of course but once an angel harbors too many negative thoughts, sin slowly sinks in. But this is not instantaneous.”

He took a sip of his tea, “It is though, if they have taken a life or purposefully inflict pain for pleasure.”

Mr. Jones flicked his hand at the air, “As you might expect, sin has a different impact on them. It is irreversible unlike humans who can seek forgiveness. They are bound to commit evil acts out of curiosity and apathy which turns their heart black. Sceller l’accord.”

Naveen peeked at Samara for the hundredth time and offered a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes. She had struggled for many years with being what she was, a half Zarthanian. To live in a world so strange where people still look at others as being off or a freaks was ridiculous...and even more depressing.

Samara had been kind to her the first day they met, she didn't care that this dark skin girl had the eyes of a Zarthanian, if anything she loved Naveen for being exactly what she was, a gem.

Now, as she stared at Samara she knew she would do anything to help her, to save her friend as she had saved her.

“Now, in order to not be found out for his treachery, Uriel had Mammon steal Lily’s Light. You must understand this stone was created by Lucifer and is only used by him. He created this stone to split the soul of a human in two to create two completely new beings. What the stone actually does is split souls, right down the middle between good and evil, which in turn makes both sides the epitome of what they are.”

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