Chapter 7: Lily's Light

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Naveen looked from Samara to Nona then back to Samara. Nickolas turned to the window, probably wising he could jump through.

Samara and Nona had been at each other's throat for the last hour. Samara felt she would get answers if she went to Bellevia during the Sevtla Festival, Nona obviously didn't agree.

"Are you trying to kill me? Your own grandmother? Because that's what will happen if you go to Bellevia."

"Nona, please. Is that question even necessary? Don't start with the dramatics. If I stay here I put everyone in danger. Not just you guys but the whole town. You saw what I did!" Samara jerked her hand in the direction of the open door. She was old enough to walk out the door and leave with or without Nona's permission and Nona knew that as much as everyone else did.

The Festival would begin in two days Samara thought to herself. So why was Nona being so difficult, surely she understood the importance of this?

She softened her gaze and looked down at her feet, "I can feel it you know, changing me. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to react to what Nick told us. I don't know how to react to any of this! Please Nona, let me go."

Nona ran her fingers over her nose, as she played tuck of war with her conscience. It wasn't safe, she knew it wasn't safe, Bellevia during the festival meant more attention for Samara than the usual.

She won't like what she finds there, if she finds anything at all, she thought.

Maybe your just scared she might find out what you've been lying to her about, a inner voice added.

She stared at the blue green veins running from the palm of her hand to the bend of her elbow, "Okay."

They all blinked at her dumbstruck. They had expected another hour of begging.

"Naveen and Nickolas will be coming with me, I'll be safe. I promise."

Nona doubted it but what could she do?

Samara whispered hesitantly after a moment, "How will I show my face in Dark Valley after what happened? They'll all want answers."

And the words were out Nona's mouth before she could stop them, "Screw them."

Samara remained quiet.

"I'll come back right after the festival, Nix is staying here with you."

Nix, who was lying down sat up, obviously not agreeing with these new terms. Samara pointed at him with stern eyes, "It's not up for discussion, from either of you." She pointed at Nona next.

"Samara listen," Nona paused and waited until she had the attention she needed.

I have to tell her before she leaves.

She shock her head and looked to the ceiling as if begging for strength, "I asked her not to, but she was so in love, so consumed by his beauty, his power."

Samara's whole body went tense and she held her breath and slid into a chair. Oh god, more crap.

Naveen and Nickolas started to flee from the room but Nona stopped them, "He really was...something."

"You said you never met him?" Samara's voice was barely audible, a weak whisper.

"I met him once and I knew two things instantly; he loved your mother but he wasn't who he said he was. You must understand, he gave up who he was for your mother, he wanted out."

Nona saw the confusion and dread on Samara's face and the uncomfortable glances Naveen and Nick shared but she kept going, "He wanted out of the life he had but they wouldn't let him. This was after I warned your mother and she forced the truth from him. I asked her so many times," Nona rubs her eyes, exuding stress but she pushed on, "she never told me...and then you came, before the invasions. The things you did as a child were...unexplainable. That's when they came after your parents, they were constantly on the run, looking over their shoulders Samara. You got that mark when you turned two. Your mother managed to get a letter to me, only god knows how."

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