Chapter 9: Forbidden

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"Ouch, shit!"

"Shhh, be quiet."

"Don't tell me to be quiet Nick. You wanna try wearing this?! You put me in this get up!"

"Can you both be quiet?"

Samara peeked around the corner of the alley where there was a large man guarding a door. Night had fallen but she could still see him. His back was pressed to the door as he puffed out a cloud of smoke before taking another draw on his cigarette. He wore a large black jacket that fell below his knee and his hair was cut low to his scalp. He was at least 6ft 4.

"Yup he's there like you said Nick, Naveen are you ready?"

"No, I'm not." Naveen whined as she yanked on the short red skirt she was wearing. She immediately pulled her top up as it slipped down. The little strapless thing was barely holding up.

"Why couldn't Samara do this?" 

"One, you could see fake on me from a mile away and two, I couldn't walk in those things." Samara pointed at the 6 inch red and black knee high boots Naveen had on. 

“Are you saying I make a realistic whore? That's not comforting.”

Nickolas pulled the black mask over Naveen's eyes and adjusted it, "Come on, only you can do this, you know that."

Naveen sighed and yanked the top of her blouse up, "Okay, show time." 

"Break a leg," Naveen twerked a brow at her and Samara looked down at Naveen's shoes and bit her lip. "Forget I said that."

Nickolas waved his hand at the air impatiently, "Go." 

Naveen exhaled through her mouth and stepped into the alley.

"Mm mhm mm, mmm mm...ouch, shit it where you are going. Fucking ghost are everywhere," she giggled and continued her staffing towards her target, she faked tripping again and crackled like a mad woman, "HA! You thought you got me," She said with slurred words as she pointed to the ground as if it was a bad child.  

"Miss you can't be through here."

Naveen screamed at the man's booming voice and then hiccupped . "Holy shit! You scared me miss, um," she giggled, "mister." She staggered to the guard but then the ground was rushing up to meet her.

"Hey now..." The large man rushed out and grabbed her.   

"Ohhh ship, shit...big hands." She giggled madly as she scream her words.

"Hey miss, you are trying to look down my top arent'cha?" Naveen covered her bosom and stagger backwards, closing her eyes then popping them back open as she swayed.

The guard smirked and reached out for her hair. In a flash she grabbed his hand and jumped around his neck. Flipping backwards, she sent the giant man flying, slamming him into the wall. He staggered to his feet and attempted to grab her, so she kicked him between the legs and just like that he was out cold.

She pulled her mask up and stared down at him, "Asshole."

 Nickolas ran up to her and slowly lifted the latch on the door, pulling it outwards and peeking inside.

"Come on, we don't have much time."

Naveen quickly pulled back on her jeans, black long sleeve top and jacket.

"That was awesome." Samara gave her a silent high five as they stepped through the door.

Shutting it behind them.

They stood in a large white room with no windows, the light inside flickered on and off casting deformed shadows on the walls and ceiling.  A door stood on the opposite side of the room that was cracked open, they walked towards it and Nickolas held onto the handle like it was going to electrocute him. He pulled the door only inches away from the wall and tried to scanned the opposite side.

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