Chapter 16: Nostalgic Failure

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Samara woke up to an empty cave as she stretched wildly to wake up her sleeping bones. Sleeping beside Nix was better than she had expected, comfy little guy he was.

As the sleep left her eyes she realized she was alone. She pulled herself upright and realized Malic’s large coat was thrown over her.

His scent licked at her nose, waking up a family of butterflies in her tummy. She didn’t realize she had the coat up to her nose until Malic walked in.

Yep, caught red handed sniffing a man’s clothing. Classic.

She quickly held out the jacket for him to take, not looking at him, she could almost feel her cheeks turning red, “Thank you.”

He stepped towards her and stooped down directly in front her, “You’re welcome Samara.”

He took the jacket from her and their fingers collided. The sparks that erupted inside Samara had her lifting her head in shock. He looked just as stunned as she was.

“What the hell happened to your hair?”

He ruffled his hair and she saw his mouth twitch as he held back a smile, “I cut it.”

“Why?” she probed. She had liked his long hair.

Not that she was complaining, he looked just as gorgeous, maybe even more so. His glossy hair was now low cut but not to his scalp. It was high in the top, just enough for her hand to get lost in it. He was devilishly handsome, she had to admit it, his jaw line was more structured than her life.

“My hair was a bother,” He said as he drew closer to her. “Why? Do you miss it? There is still enough for you to play with.”

He reached for her hand and she jumped to her feet. His voice was paralyzing, her legs wanted to give out beneath her or maybe she just got up too quickly, nontheless she lifted her head with pride, “I’ll play in your hair when it rains fire.”

She stormed from the cave, leaving him standing there as the corner of his mouth twitched again.

Mmm, what I could do to that feis-” 

Shut up. Now.”  

His beast chuckled as he pulled a face and exited the cave.

Samara made sure to watch her step as she followed closely behind Malic as they walked in the direction Nick and Naveen had went.

She didn’t want to repeat her previous close encounter with the forest floor.

Malic had also taken pity on her, revealing just how he could track her friends. Of course the conversation had returned to his inconceivable sense of smell. He could follow the faint scents that remained behind from Nickolas and Naveen. In all honesty, Samara thought it was gross. He had also revealed that his hearing was just as enhanced.

Samara pulled close to him as they made there was through a corn field , “You knew the Seraph didn’t you?” 

He was quiet for a moment as they descended a small sloop, “Yes, I knew her.”

“How old are you then?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“Hence the reason I asked.”

He snorted as he stepped over a large broken tree trunk that Samara had to climb over, “Anything else?”

“Yes. Can we rest? I’m getting blisters that will need their own area code.”

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