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It's only been a day since Cole lost his battle against Jay... well, willingly lost the battle. And Chen is already acting different, I think he's way more pissed off about Cole and Jay refusing to fight than he's letting on.

Yeah, it's probably gonna come back to bite us later on...

It's weird without Cole. It's sad we couldn't stop their fight, but Kai did tell us what Neuro found. He read Clouse's mind and discovered a spell in one of his books. He couldn't figure out what the spell did, but it was on page 149. According to Neuro, the information must be important because Clouse had the memory sort of locked away, it was hard for him to see that much, and that's even when he had no idea Neuro was reading his mind.

Skylar is currently fighting the Master of Sound and just the way Chen's watching is different than even yesterday. He's still entertained by the battles, but he seems like he always wants to just get them over with. Probably so he can get more elements faster, but still.

It's a pretty weird fight. Jacob, the master of sound, is blind and using sound waves and vibrations to see and look for the jade blade that way. But then apparently Skylar is fire as well, which we're all still very confused about.

Their arena is just a regular room filled with a bunch of vases, the blade hidden inside one of them.

"The Master of Sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him." Garmadon says as Kai joins us in the stands to watch the fight.

He sits down next to Jay, "sorry, all these temples look the same. What did I miss?"

Jay doesn't answer him right away though, instead he's looking around at the other fighters. I flaxen around as well and realize that we're being watched more so than the actual battle. People are just glaring at us.

"Maybe we shouldn't sit together anymore." Jay whispers, obviously noticing what I did, "I mean, the more they think we're a team, the bigger targets we put on ourselves."

"Don't say that," Lloyd intervenes, "we are a team. Sure we just lost Cole and we haven't found Zane yet, but we're still a team. Just smaller. All the more reason to stick together."

Jay still looks uneasy, I was still glancing around the room, mostly watching Chen. Kai however, completely ignored the conversation when he realizes, "Skylar's fighting!"

He sits up a little straighter trying to get a better view, then slightly leans forward, literally watching on the edge of his seat. Watching her use her elemental fire... still kinda awakened that he's watching her so intently.

"What has him so excited?" Garmadon asks

Jay snickers, "he had a crush on her until he found out they might be related."

Garmadon shakes his head, "her element isn't fire. She's the Master of Amber, power of absorption."

Never mind, no longer awkward he's watching her so intently... well, okay, maybe a little awkward.

"She can emulate the power of anyone she touches."

"You're telling me we're not related?!" Kai exclaims, then sighs in relief as he goes back to the battle.

Jay groans and rolls his eyes, "oh boy, here we go again." He grumbles

Skylar and Jacob are suing their abilities to break the vases to find the blade and give their opponent less places to hide. The Master of Sound has these darts that he's shooting out of a pipe, trying to use sound waves in order to find Skylar as his target. However, she uses them to her advantage and creates of bunch of motion so he'll fire in her direction. She dodges them all, but the darts still pierce the wall and create holes, letting in an airflow, which effects the vibrations for Jacob.

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