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I know I said that before, but we seem to split up for months... or I seem to be the one leaving for months. Even though the first time wasn't my fault.

I don't really stay in one place. I've been all around different parts of Ninjago, just trying to clear my head. It never works though. Every waking moment, I'm thinking about Zane. The guilt is unbearable.

The last time I was in the city for more than a few minutes was during Zane's funeral. I stayed hidden the entire time. It was in the park, the city donated a statue in his honor. Everyone said a few words for him, but I guess Pixal was too upset to come because I didn't see her there.

I stayed all day and waited for nightfall, when the park was clear. That's when I finally revealed myself, but it was so dark that of anyone happened to be around, I wouldn't be noticed.

I looked at Zane's statue for a long time.

"We are ninja, Lindsey, and ninja never quit."

Zane's words echo in my head. Darkness was finally contained, but at the cost of his life. Ninja never quit, he lived his life by that, but how can I go on being a ninja when I got one of my teammates killed?

I choked out a sob that I couldn't contain and finally collapsed to my knees and wept uncontrollably. I held my head, covering my ears.

"I'm sorry, Zane." I said in between my cries, wishing Zane was around to hear me. But he just wasn't, "I'm so sorry."

So that's when I left.

I travel around unseen with my shadow technique I learned from Darkness. Who, thank the First Spinjitzu Master, is actually gone! The only things that have stayed the same are 1: my body temperature staying dangerously low, I'm cold like 24/7, and 2: I don't really sleep. I mean, I'm able to fall asleep, but I seem to be able to run off of the minimal amount of sleep time without a problem.

I just observe life continuing for everyone without being noticed. The ninja split up after Zane, but luckily Ninjago hasn't had any huge mishaps. And whatever does happen, Lloyd can handle.


I'm wandering around Hiroshi's Labyrinth. I don't know why I decided here, but I was running out of new places to go. I know the legend says no one can get out, but dad and Lloyd did before. Plus I can make my dragon and fly out so it's not that big of a deal.

I was just walking through the jungle when I hear something flying above me. I look up and see Lloyd's golden dragon... so I'm gonna be super mature and hide.

I disappear in my cloaking technique before he touches the ground and hops off his dragon. It doesn't work.

"Linds, I know you're here."

I linger for half a second longer before reappearing in front of him, "how did you know?"

He smirks, "because-"

"And don't you dare say it's because you're the oldest!" I cut him off, returning his smile.

He walks the last few steps over to me and gives me a hug.

"How did you find me?" I ask as we pull apart.

"I sensed the dark energy." He says simply

I furrow my eyebrows, "weird... meaning?"

"The same way we during the battle against Darkness. You know? The way we could both feel the dark energy?"

"Oh." I say in realization, "yeah, we both just knew she was there."

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